Original Title "-"
- Current Mood:rad
In reference to a post I made a while back, which was:
"It would appear that the girl I have been talking to for a while now is going to go off to Colorado in the very near future (July 1)."
It would appear that it all fell through at quite literally the last moment. In that she had her car sold, job pretty much done, everything ready to go. Whatever. She barely managed to keep her job (not the story she gave, but you know), and is trying to get transferred back to the store she got hired at, but I was told that was going to very badly, but Jenny does not know this.
I realize that this reads very badly, I might update it when I know for sure.
She told me that they wanted her to stay around for another month to help with the training, and cover for vacation. I made the connection that she might have not been altogether truthful when she told me that from the fact that she was supposed to have left more than a month ago. She is still around, so I am not arguing.
Original Title “Rhetorical Nonsense”
Why do clowns make people laugh?
Why do people love puppy dogs?
Why do little blue midgets hit me with fish?
We're all doin' it, chum. That's what we do. We do it. Do what? Therein lies the mystery!
When you get in bed with evil incarnate, it always takes the covers.
Step one; we need an archenemy. The most powerful, deadly, and brilliant criminal mastermind we can find. Someone who will burn his fetid midnight oil hatching up a thousand plots to annihilate us. Someone within easy commuting distance would be a plus.
One Of These Days
Pink Floyd
Turin, Italy
I really need to get my hands upon that song.
The whole album would be nice, but at the moment, I am focusing on that one song...
Any help would be shiny.
I have this thing I think I need to write about.
I will try to compose it in a semi-coherent way in a bit