Wednesday, January 18, 2006

He’ll Try To Keep His Sanity

Original Title: Dear Japan

Dear Japan,
Bite me!
Prince Of Space
I am in the midst of aquiring every episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
At present I have 31 out of 197 which puts me just shy of 6.5% of the way there.
Good luck me.
But I should have 6 more coming in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

We Opened The Window, Played Some Nintendo

Original Title: Tops of Desks…

So, yeah
Just decided to completely change the look and feel of the desktop on the computer.

Still the Windows 2000

Monday, January 2, 2006

Sittin' On This Bar Stool Talkin' Like A Damn Fool

Original Title: Much fun to be had

I am painting my room. It was formerly white with water and smoke damage. It will soon be white with white. This makes me glad.

I am also attempting to download every epsiode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and burn them onto DVDs. My only regret so far is that I only got one spindle when the Target had them on sale for $15.98 per 50 pack.

Ah well. Time to go and eat something now because the paint fumes are making me high.

Also, the Jeep has a gas leak. Getting that fixed now. Fun stuff indeed.