Friday, December 11, 2009

Sleeping With The Television On

Ford 3
It's hard to imagine that I (me, of all people) is almost annoyed about not having television service. Granted, I won't be able to watch the new Doctor Who series when it starts airing, or even the next two specials. I have completely missed that they started the fourth season of The Venture Bros. All of the television that is on right now. Three shows I would watch. One is network, one is on the BBC, and one is on Cartoon Network. All in all, as long as I am patient, I am not going to worry about it.

This really made no sense did it?

I've still got it! Even after all this time!

Go ME!

How Many More Times

Jesus Sense
It's good to know that after all these years, we haven't lost it.

Either that or I am hallucinating. Which is also, at this point, possible.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sippin' Booze Is Precendent As The Evening Starts To Glow

This has been quite the amazing week.

Work is amazing. My pretty Jeep hasn't started since Friday. And no, I don't own a time machine. Tried to make it turn over this morning, and got very little.

I got apples and plants for Christmas.

Thus so far.

I broke my watch. I loved that watch, it was amazing! Now it's gone. Or rather, it's no longer functional self is sitting on my desk taunting me.

I watched Star Trek: Generations last night. Made much more bearable by the commentary of Mike Nelson & Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000. I had forgotten that the villain of the piece was Dr. "The Dark Lord" Sauron as portrayed by respectable British Actor Malcolm McDowell.

Bohemian Rhapsody, as portrayed by The Muppets is quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.

There are other, more shocking and scandalous things that have happened more recently than this morning, but there are now watchful eyes.

Making with the watching.

Always with the watching?

But who watches the watchers?

Paranoia can be amusing, can't it?

Zoe: Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin'?
Book: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Am Iron Man

Cat 3
In the tradition of I, Robot comes I, Ronman, the story of a shy college student who is bitten by a radioactive guy named Ron. Our hero's DNA is transformed, his body taking on the attributes of Ron until - hang on. Apparently we got that wrong and there's nothing remotely that cool going on here. It's Iron Man and from what we're told it's just a guy in a metal suit. Kind of looks like a Transformer. Fights another guy who looks like a Transformer. And you get to see Gwyneth Paltrow's back. And it's directed by the guy who did Zathura.

Not only that, it made a gajillion dollars, no doubt because people got confused and thought they were seeing I, Ronman.

But Mike, Kevin and Bill put aside their collective disappointment over it not being I, Ronman and give it the most iron fortified RiffTrax yet!