Thursday, November 11, 2010

But If You Ask For A Rise It's No Surprise They're Giving None Away

The concept of money has always been a thing that has made very little sense to me.

I just have a hard time understanding the concept of a worthless piece of paper as a representation of something that is only worth something because someone wanted to impress someone else with it's shininess a very long time ago is what our economy is based off of.

Gold has no particular worth or value to me, because I don't care how shiny it is, or how rare it is.

This is why I should not be allowed to think.  I could go on and on about this, but would rather not.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Could Use A Little Fuel Myself And We Could All Use A Little Change

So I have been unable to shake the feeling that something was going to happen today and nothing would be the same ever again.

Here I am, with fifty-one minutes left in the day and everything is still the exact same.  Never have I been so glad to have such a boring life!