Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hey You! Out There In The Cold Getting Lonely, Getting Old, Can You Feel Me?

Went to Holliday Park today.

Great place to take pictures of ruins and the like.

Always love that sort of thing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

All That Glitters Is Gold


Glitter.  Some people choose glitter as a lifestyle choice, for some it is an addiction, for most of us it is a nuisance barely to be tolerated.

No matter the reason you have the glitter going on in your life, I suspect you go through"

I have no idea where that was supposed to go. This is what happens when you restore from a saved draft that is at least a year old.

Also, just read my last post.  I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that no, I do not do drugs.

Thank you, and goodnight.