Saturday, January 23, 2016

You Know It’s All Right

So…Apparently I am a huge nerd. This is according to my wife.

Today I found a wiring diagram and built an A/V Cable for my Atari Jaguar so that I can actually play the thing on a modern TV.

Here is what I have:


I used 3 A/V cables from some AT&T U-Verse returns from work and the connector from a 5.25” floppy disk cable.

The results are most definitely usable!


I am happy about this!

Next project? Get the CD-Rom working! Rumor has it all of the Jaguar CD games are A-Available for download and B-Work just fine on standard CD-R discs.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dancin' In The Streets Of Hyannis

More like #TakeBackOurGrammar!

Also, let us not forget that David Bowie and "Ric Edelman" AKA Alan Rickman weren't exactly Americans.

I guess the first two deaths were actually Common Sense and Simple English?