Saturday, March 25, 2017

We Were Runnin' Against The Wind

Dear The Legend Of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass,

I really, REALLY want to like you.

Seriously.  You have so much potential to be a good great game!  Your biggest drawback, however, is your ingenuity.  Your completely touchscreen based control scheme really ruins the game for me.

The fact that I have to use a cheat code to POSSIBLY (haven't gotten the game to load with the cheat activated yet) use the d-pad to move Link about makes me sad.

Hopefully when I have the patience to sit and play again, (after Windwaker again) I will be able to actually not get angry with you.

Just thought you should know.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

We Opened The Window, Played Some Nintendo

Started ripping, sorry correct term is "dumping" all of my Nintendo DS games today.  Dug out an old router and laptop and started copying the carts onto it.


Takes a while to do, you know?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

When The Spirit Moves You

I've been playing games again.

Mostly Gameboy Advance versions of Nintendo Entertainment System games.

More specifically The Legend Of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

That game enraged me as a child.

Let's just let that sink in for a minute.

Now then.  It enraged me because I did not understand the game.  I understood at a basic level the hack and slash part of the game.  But I never understood the level up concept.

Ah well, hopefully I can cheat my way through it.  If I had the time I would play Zelda through in chronological order across all of the timelines.

Pity that.

Sang A Few Bars From Some Pretty Old Song

Found my Google Buzz feed today in my Drive folder.  I guess I will throw all of that up here where it lives, chronologically too.

Hooray! More work to document/consolodate my online presence.