Friday, May 16, 2003

Ready The Army

Original Title: 20030506 - DEP Here I Come!

Ford 3
Weather I was drunk, ill, or suicidally insane would have not been obvious to the casual observer. For indeed, there are no casual observers at the M.E.P.S. There were observers who were bent on my joining the Army. My pal Jessi was also there for some reason. I was not arguing.Also, for the record, on of 20030506, I entered the United States Army's Delayed Entry Program.
Been meaning to write about that one sometime before now.
I went to see X-Men 2 yesterday.
I think I am going to end up taking my friend Jessi to see The Matrix Reloaded one day next week.
I think I am going to go to Meijer and Starbucks here in a bit.
I need to talk to my mother about storage of stuff at her house while I am away for a long time, but that may be able to wait until tomorrow.
Goodbye for now!

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