Saturday, May 15, 2004

American Woman Stay Away From Me

Music: The Guess Who - American Woman
So. Peoples have been telling me about this TV show for a while now. Apparently something happens, people sing, then people vote for said singers. The loser singers go off and get all sad and depressed and hold grudges against society for most of the rest of eternity, while the not quite so loserific singers go on to enjoy about 9 seconds of stardom before fading into obscurity.
Really now, that's just what we need. A show that shoves alleged "talent" in our faces and says "vote, becuase the winner is going to be the next pop-culture icon!"
Do your votes actually matter?
Or do you just wind up with a british asshole telling you that you can not sing for anything?
Either way, this is what passes for entertainment anymore?
My next issue is this:
Why must it be televised and, in comparison to the standard way, be instantaneous? The standard way involves finding some people who have similar interests to you, and making some sort of arrangement called a "band." After that, you practice to figure out where you all stand from a musical stance. The next logical step would be to write some original "songs" that you would then practice until you get to a point where you are happy with the way things are looking.
Now comes the point where we find out if you have any talent or not.
You actually perform at clubs or concerts or something similar. You then get a small fanbase going. Once you get to a point where you are generating some sort of revenue, you might go and make an album that you would pay to have produced and stuff out of said income.
Said album would then start to generate a profit if you were popular and talented and enough people got word. After that, you might just get famous. Especially if you have a good record company backing you.
Not this bullhooey that they have going on on the TV anymore.
Come on now people!
While it may be fun to live vicariously through the actions of others, this is just pathetic. They have been doing this show for a few years now, and the only thing I have heard about anything from anyone was some loser recently. Where is he now? Obscurity, or fading fast. I neither know or care.
Anyway, I think I will stop here. I can go on for a very long time about this sort of thing.
Goodnight Sweet Readers, And A Flight Of Angels To Sing Thee To Thy Rest

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