Monday, July 26, 2004

You Can Listen To The Engine

just when i thought the month could get no worse
first off it is brought to my attention that we get to sell our house
next off is that i have to get my own car insurance, because i got kicked off of my dad's policy, which, considering i should have not been there for almost 3 years, is okay.  just the timing that bothers me.
i am getting a new policy with a different company squared away this morning, and the website tells me that i have to call the people because of some problem with my driving record.  i call.  the woman i talk to makes an interesting discovery.  that being that my license was suspended some nine months ago for no reason at all, and no one bothered sending me anything, or anything.  apparently i was involved in an accident in october with a car that i totaled and was, therefore, forced to get rid of the previous february.
anyway, i get insurance, and now i just have to spend my days off getting the transmission in my beloved Jeep flushed out, and then getting it inspected, and also figuring out how to get my license reinstated.
also, two of my webcomics, thus so far, have no update.
we shall see about the others now

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