Tuesday, February 1, 2005

I Used To Sing To The Mountains, Has The Ocean Lost It’s Way?

Music: The Ocean ~ Led Zeppelin


Yet another 4-day weekend.

This time through, it is almost over. I have reposessed my PS2, and have been playing that. Got Katamari Damacy which is fun, addictive, and extremely bizarre. $20 acid trip indeed.
Also, since I had a memory card and controller come up missing whilst Joe had the thing in his posession, I was forced to restart my Final Fantasy X game. It took all the self control I had to not change Tidus' name to Pansy Boy.

Catch is, I think I am going to restart again in order to do just that.
Let's see.

What else?

Oh, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is a truly Awesome game. One of the best I have played since A Link To The Past. It has kept me occupied through most of the last 3 weeks or so. No, it is nowhere nearly as long as A Link To The Past, I have merely playing it sporadically. To savor it, if you will. It takes the graphic set from A Link To The Past, and then seamlessly blends the best elements from all of the previous games (I.E. Lon Lon Ranch, the Gorons, the town, the fields, the forest, etc.) and still manages to come off truly unique and awesome. The side quests are quite entertaining. My only complaint is with the Mysterious Shells. They should have done it so that you can push something like down to go to the proper number of shells to trade, as opposed to making you scroll up through. Takes waaaaaay too long when you get to the point of trading more than oh, say, 2. Considering that there is something like 130 figurines that you are trying to get, you can imagine how much scrolling you will need to do.
Anyway, great game. ¡BUY IT!

I think I am going to go to Starbucks tomorrow and do something that I have needed to do for a long time. I know I have been saying this for a very long time now, but I think I need to just do it.

Also, ca$h the paycheck a day early and hit up the post office.

What else is on the agenda for the morrow?

A meeting where nothing will happen. Again.

Ah well, off to sleep.

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