Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Like A Drifter I Was Born To Walk Alone

The universe hates me.
I now have all of the proof I need.
It seems that any girl I take some sort of interest in will, without fail, move out of state.
I know this seems like a strange assumption, and people are all "You're too paranoid," but you can not argue with the facts.
Between '99 and now there has been:
Abby - Oklahoma
Michele - New York
Rachelle - Colorado
Amy - Texas
Jessica - California, and now Arizona
Rachel - Pennsylvania
Judy - Florida
It would appear that the girl I have been talking to for a while now is going to go off to Colorado in the very near future (July 1).
Considering I have had no interest in anyone who is not on this list, I feel that I need no more proof that the universe hates, loathes, and detests me.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Beneath The Ink-Black Skies

Should anyone care, Fit The 1 - 22 of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy are now available for download on my site.
You really should listen to them.

Eleven hours you will not regret.
Unless you are very strange or a corporate shill.
Anyway, goodnight all

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Everyone’s So Happy

Fit The Twenty-First is up.

I recorded this one myself using the wmp 5.1 surround stream, so it sounds a lot better than last weeks.

I am going to do it this way from here on out.

Saturday, May 7, 2005

And Everything’s So Nice

So, yeah.

I just uploaded the newest episode of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy to my website.
Should anyone want, I can give them the link for download purposes.

It is not a problem to put the first two series up as well, should someone want or need them