Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Like A Drifter I Was Born To Walk Alone

The universe hates me.
I now have all of the proof I need.
It seems that any girl I take some sort of interest in will, without fail, move out of state.
I know this seems like a strange assumption, and people are all "You're too paranoid," but you can not argue with the facts.
Between '99 and now there has been:
Abby - Oklahoma
Michele - New York
Rachelle - Colorado
Amy - Texas
Jessica - California, and now Arizona
Rachel - Pennsylvania
Judy - Florida
It would appear that the girl I have been talking to for a while now is going to go off to Colorado in the very near future (July 1).
Considering I have had no interest in anyone who is not on this list, I feel that I need no more proof that the universe hates, loathes, and detests me.

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