Sunday, December 25, 2005

People Are Strange When You Are A Stranger

Thanksgiving and Christmas at the grandparents house is horrible.
So many people.
This is about half of them in the picture.
I am related to all of them but I could only tell you about half of the names.  That is sad. 

I usually hide in another room

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You Can’t Take The Sky From Me

So, a DVD that I planned to buy after Christmas showed up at my door today.
I did not order it or anything.
It looks as though I am going to need to make a phone call to verify what I think happened.
The odd thing is that today IS the release date for the DVD in question.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I Want To Lie Shipwrecked And Comotose

Original Title: It is cold outside

I just watched the first 3 minutes of the Unaired American pilot episode of Red Dwarf.
My thoughts on the subject are as follows:
1:50 Sex joke already
2:00 Kryten...Thank God Seems that way.
Lister? Not a British sleazeball? Inconceiveable!

Its cold outside,
There's no kind of atmosphere,
I'm all alone,
More or less.
Let me fly,
Far away from here,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.

I want to lie,
Shipwrecked and comotose,
Drinking fresh,
Mango juice,
Goldfish shoals,
Nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Get A Good Job With More Pay And You're Okay

Original Title: Pertaining to Amy checking her tracking number

I miss Katie.

I need money to go to the Starbucks on a non-Thursday to see her.

I have not been to the Starbucks since Monday. I am broke.

Like a joke.

That does not smoke.

I shall not be at the Starbucks until Tuesday afternoon.

Because I can ca$h my paycheck a day early. Tuesday is a non-Thursday day.

Ooh! Four and a half days!


Runnin’, Hidin’

Original Title “There is a spool of thread in your iced tea!”

Look at the street, it's time to eat.

I really hate the internets sometimes. They are so boring. All it would seem that I have to keep me entertained is a Livejournal to gripe in. The person on the phone is making me regret calling her.


On a more positive note, this one girl at work tried to hook me up with her friend whom I shall simply call "Psycho Bitch" because she is a psycho bitch. I declined for obvious reasons. A crazy old woman decided that I should get with this other crazy girl that works there. Assuming that she quits with the drugs, quits with the smoking, dumps the boyfriend, and grows half a brain. Again, I declined for obvious reasons. Then this mexican cat started wondering why I had no girlfriend. All in the same bloody day.

Then I ran out of money.

Anyone want to give me some?

I shall not stop you.

I actually had something useful to say in this space, but I have totally forgotten about it at this stage.

So, goodnight cats.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Can I Get A Witness

The internet is boring!

Tell Me All My Love's In Vain

Original Title: Pertaining To Insanity I Thought Long Since Vanished

Don't hold me to this, but I think my crazy friend may be back in town.
This may or may not bode well.
I shall see.