Sunday, April 30, 2006

Had A Friend, She Once Told Me, You Got A Friend, You Ain’t Lonely

It just occured to me just how pathetic the myspace friends thing is. "username wants to be your friend!"
Just wow.
Granted, considering the request in question, it seems fitting.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I’d Like A Cat Please

Subject: Figure it out, if you dare!

Igloo lima igloo kite egg shiny penguin egg lovely lovely igloo new groovy things heavy igloo new groovy shiny penguin heavy ostrich new egg things igloo cat anger lovely lovely yucatan

Monday, April 17, 2006

Where Were You

Original Title “BOO!”

have you had a violent moodswing today?exhaustedexhausted

I bet I scared all of you!
This is me posting after how many months?
What is the best part?
The fact that no one seems to care!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Where Oh Werewolf

Original Title: Hi

As for yesterday...
I didn't. I couldn't. I died.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Lay Down The Boogie And Play That Funky Music Until You Die

Original Title: More of the things and such-ness...

I am having a great day today. Only had to work until 1.
Number of people dealt with: 0
Put the truck away, this chick who looks almost exactly like my crazy friend who moved to Colorado a while back came in. She's a nice kid. It was overall, a good day at work.
Before work I did indeed get to see my favorite Katie in the entire universe. That made me happy. The crazy vaguely stalkerish girl who is getting married was also working. that made marginally less happy. Ah well, can't control the schedule of a place I do not work.
Anyway, I took it upon myself to mow the grass after work, and now I am eating doughnuts and screwing about on the comp-U-tor. I just installed the drivers for my keyboard so I can use the scroll wheel again!

Play That Funky Music Loud

Original Title: Things and such...

Look at me, it is 5:30 in the am and I am updating this. Very soon I shall go to the place and see the favorite Katie in all the universe and then go to work. Maybe this won't be like last week when she was not there. That threw my whole day out of whack. Ah well.
Work on Tuesday is the devil.
Nay. Work BE the devil!

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Here I Go Again

Oh yeah.
I forgot I started on this hours (six to be marginally accurate) ago. I had something important to write about here abouts, but I have, in this haze of sleep and reading, forgotten completely about it.
I started reading the Birds of Prey comics, but I always stop when I hit the first missed issue (8) in this
case. So I am about to embark on the Nightwing which is at least 42 issues before a hole.
Contrary to the timestamp, it is 10:50 now

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Take Me Out To The Black

Original Title: Shiny

Look at the street, it's all shiny, clean, and new!

He Was Willing To Make A Deal

Original Title: Look at the street it's time for you to shut your face!

It would appear that the store manager at the place wants to do an interview of sorts with me when she gets back from Ohio on Wednesday. I do not know if this is a good thing or a bad thing because the cat I did the interview with last week is the one in charge of the hiring. In theory.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

He Was In A Bind Because He Was Way Behind

Original Title: Friends are the devil

It occurs to me that I should probably get some friends.
It occurs to me that I am okay with the above statement.
It occurs to me that I will probably do nothing about the above statement.
It occurs to me that I am okay with the above statement.
It occurs to me that I am repeating myself.
It occurs to me that I am okay with the above statement.
It occurs to me that I really need to shut up now.
It occurs to me that I am okay with the above statement.


Original Title: Chicken, it's what's for dinner

I am crazy...
Crazy like a chicken!

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Money…It’s A Gas

So I took it upon myself to actually give these Live Journal Cats some monies tonight. You know. Good stuff. Might actually make this thing look all strange and odd like now that I can.