Friday, October 29, 2010

Watching For Pigs On The Wing

Wooden Bender
So 2010 is nearing the end of it's run.

I am sitting here listening to Pink Floyd's 1977 album "Animals" and reflecting on that.  I am listening to the record version.  The record player is plugged into a stereo receiver.  The stereo receiver is plugged into my computer which is throwing the sounds out through the speakers that came with the stereo which was, if memory serves, new before I was born.

Sure, the tuner is way out of whack, but the 8-Track player still works.  If you jam a screwdriver in with the tape that is.

What has happened to me this year?  Met my amazing friend who I may or may not ever see again.  Don't know if she reads these or not, but hey, you know.

I got a kitten. She is the devil.
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping

But times, they are a 'changing. 

My pretty Jeep got trashed on the interstate by some clown whom we shall never know.  That was a not so good thing.  But these things happen.

I have been know to hang out in bars with girls who lay claims to being cage fighters.  I know it to be a mis-truth, but it would seem that patrons of the bars in question were quite thoroughly convinced to the contrary.

I am tired.  I am physically exhausted from working like there is no tomorrow, but being no better off financially then I was three years ago.  The job is going to either change in the winter time in favor of something more local.  Failing that, the job (and possibly the state I call home) is going to change in mid-summer when my lease runs out.  I haven't decided which yet, honestly.  A change is coming though.  Mark my words.

And now for side two.

What else have I done this year?

I've started reading books on a regular basis again.   I read some random paranormal romance novel.  I am ashamed to say.  I have gotten through:
The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat -Old favorite.
The Da Vinci Code - Most pointless waste of 600 pages I have yet read.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Makes marginally more sense than the movie.
Boneshaker - Awesome steam punk zombie book.
Abraham Lincoln:  Vampire Hunter - Amazingly well written for it's premise.
UFOs, JFK and Elvis: Conspiracy Theories You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Believe - Casts an all too intelligent light on these things.

I also bought the complete World Book Encyclopedia set...From 1967 for ten dollars.  But it came with the update books so it's accurate through 1976, so it's all good, right?

What else?

I keep buying notebooks and pens and starting to write things in them.  I've also bought some very old cameras with the intent of taking very nice pictures.  That part has gone rather well.  The writing, not so much.

I have gotten into watching the Battlestar Galactica show.  It is awesome.  Less enthused about Burn Notice this year.  It's just repeating the same old formula with a new character.  Weeds is taking some getting used to, but it's an interesting show.  Castle is amazing.  The Venture Bros. on the other hand is amazing this season.  I can not wait to see what happens next. 

Also Doctor Who.  I never thought I would get into that show, but it is amazingly amazing.

About a year ago someone I was basically told never expect to hear from again showed back up in my life.  That was a pleasant surprise.  I had a nice new friend, then she got crazy, then she left.  Still don't know what to make of that.

I really should be going now though.  I can not wait to hear the verdicts on something that may or may not happen at work on the morrow.

Just remember...Time will tell.  Sooner or later, time will tell.

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