I don't even remember why I started it, honestly.
I have a notebook somewhere filled with a bunch of random ideas about people who witnessed the end of their world in several different realities. Had this idea about how they could all be tied to one event that each of the different realities branched off of and these people all somehow ended up in a hotel in, for lack of a better word, Limbo. They pretty much sit around drinking coffee and playing cards until someone (a reporter, I think) works out what happened. Then someone else comes up with a rather bizarre and seemingly nonsensical scheme to set things right.
There are two major things wrong with this. The first being that I have to remember where this notebook actually is, and the second being that this is going to be a major undertaking to get put into something coherent.
Also, I like cookies.
- Current Location:Home, home again.
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:The pitter patter of tiny raindrops on the concrete outside
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