Friday, February 26, 2016

The Circle Of Life




Anyway.  It has been a busy, eventful time.  Between having the baby-child, finding out my co-worker/store owner's daughter is stealing money, and just generally working, I've been busy.  Like seriously.

I decided today to create a post honoring the 70th anniversary of the Roswell Incident.

Said post is scheduled to appear at 6am on the 7th of July, 2017. So yeah.  Nothing new, just what came from Wikipedia.

In other news, I have found digital copies of most of my handwritten nonsense from the last fifteen years or so.  That means I am in the process of putting them up on here in the order they belong.

It was definitely nice finding the list of preparations for my first major middle of nowhere photo adventure!

Wow...I'm so tired I just resorted to spell check.

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