Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Haven’t You Heard It’s A Battle Of Words

Dear Founding Fathers, I apologize for the mess we have made of all your hard work and sacrifice. I sincerely hope that the force of you all spinning in your graves does not mess up the orbit or rotation of our planet. This is going to get long and rambley now and I don't really apologize for it. Let us start with the difficult one first: Pro Choice. The belief that it is okay to end a human life no matter what the age simply because it inconveniences you as a result of not being responsible for your actions. Keep in mind you are making the choice to deprive another human of THAT EXACT SAME RIGHT. To which I ask: What gives you the right to make that decision. I am not singling out women. It does take two people to make a baby. This is a thing that there is no question about. Why is it so hard to be responsible for our actions and be responsible for the consequences if we mess something up? I realize there are times where bad decisions are made by only one party (i.e. rape), and I know that the aftermath is a truly horrible thing to endure. I have met victims, I have heard about how terrible it is, but by the same token isn't depriving another human being the right to exist based simply on who his or her parents are just as much of a crime? There is help out there and we should not be ashamed to seek it out if we need it. Part of the problem comes with how we raise our children to behave and respect themselves and others. Part of the problem is not holding ourselves accountable for our actions. What do we need to do to make America great again? Vote for a loud man in a trucker hat? Vote for a socialist who makes ten times as much money as I do but pays five percent less taxes on it (while riding on a motto that everyone pays their fair share!)? Vote for a woman who basically says four more years of status quo? Remember. The president is not a magical being who can make your life better simply by getting elected. I'm still super stoked about working for a small business that does not employ enough people to A-Be required to offer health insurance and B-Not be able to do it affordability if they did, therefore I get fined $300+ for being too poor to procure it myself, but go team America. This is what we signed up for 8 years ago. What do we need to do to make America great again? We need to vote for lawmakers who actually make sense. Congressmen and Senators who will stick to the principles they are elected on, not the principles of whoever slides a briefcase full of cash under a table at dinner one evening. The idea that our president is elected from a wide open field of...Two people every four years? Whatever happened to the dream that anyone can grow up to be president? Why do we feel the need to believe that all human opinion and belief falls under a two color rainbow? What happened to common sense? Seriously America...I think we all need to go sit in a corner and think about what we did for a little while.

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