Friday, October 28, 2016

You Can't Stop Us

"Can't stop the signal, Mal!" and all of that.

A few months ago the corporate headquarters for my place of employment locked our computers down so that we could only access about a dozen websites.

I decided to spend some time exploring what we were left with after the POS upgrade was complete.  Just, you know, so I can see what is available still, and to test the limits of the security.

So, this is me.  Sitting Standing here at one of the "locked down" computers typing this out.

Very nice of them to leave some glaring "back-door" (and by that I mean overlooked in plain sight) ways around their internet security.  Well, Corporate America, you have failed. 


Cannot wait to see if these holes are patched up or not. in the next few months.

Assuming I still work here in the next few months.

Sheesh, but I feel like I'm in high school again.

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