Tuesday, November 4, 2003

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts All Standing In A Row

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Lah Dee Freaking Dah!
So Yeah, I have been so exhausted these last weeks. Work, work, more work, being sick almost every day, and then working some more. I do not look forward to the day the sickness and the work strike at the same time.
I have been sitting here eating my Strawberry Waffles (they are quite good too!), and reading through random people's sites again. I stumbled across a quiz.
Here we go!

Which Band Should You Be In? by couplandesque
Your Name
Band NameMy Ruin
TrademarkEveryone Claims To Dislike You
Love InterestGirl Who Works At Starbucks
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
Yup. There has been this one chick that comes through at work every Sunday night. I swear that she likes me or something. Been having that feeling for just over a month now. I finally find out her name this past Sunday when she pays for her food with a debit card.
Fun stuff there.
I wonder if she works at Starbucks...
Anyway. I have been thinking about doing a webcomic based upon the shenanagins and goings-on at my work. This should be interesting.
I get the stupidest questions. My co-workers have been known to do some of the stupidest things ever too!
My only issue is that I don't think I can do it without laughing so hard I can't finish it.
I get to work only to discover that my beloved slicer that I put back into operation last night is broken already!
It's not like I was expecting it to happen or anything. Oh God no! It was not making the bizzare noises. Probably the cat hair.
Meh. In twelve hours I will be unloading this massive truck. In four I will be rudely awakend by my sister demanding that I move my Jeep.
Her lazy self could learn to drive a freaking manual and then move it her own dang self, but no! She has to drag me out of the bed and this and that and everything.
I think I am going to go play Red Alert 2 now. That is quite possibly the best game ever!
Goodnight Sweet Readers, And A Flight Of Angels To Sing Thee To Thy Rest

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