Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Who’s Wine? What Wine? Where The Hell Did I Dine?

Music: Baby I Love Your Way ~ Peter Frampton
I have been thinking.
I realized yesterday that I have nothing really to look forward to. I sleep all day, wake up with just enough time to go to my crappy job. I slave for some insane amount of time for some miniscule amount of money. All of said money goes to the eliminating of my not inconsiderable debt. After work I get to come home and talk to diziara for a few hours. That is always the highpoint of the day. Then just crawl into bed, after being booted off the computer. Process repeats itself.
What happens when I have a day off? I sleep from about 5 am to about 9 pm, hang about on the internet until about 5 and then go back to sleep.
I really don't have anything to make crawling out of bed each day worth my while. I have slept completley through both days off before, and I have missed nothing and have been missed by no one.
Kind of depressing, really.
I was here about this time last year, but I had a friend who did not like what she was seeing. Tried her damndest to help me too. At first she was working on my behalf to get me promoted. We were talking about it, and we both decided that our "chosen" profession was not for either of us.
She had, a few months prior, joined the Army. We talked about it for awhile, and I decided to go talk to the people she had talked to. They talked me into joining up too (not too hard really, given my mental state at the time). I left 6/12/03. I was happy. Really happy. For the first time in years. Actually, truly happy. Something new and challenging. Happiness in abundance.
Worked out until about my 4th week of basic. We were running, and then some pre-existing condition of which I was previously unawares reared it's ugly head. First time I was able to tolerate it. Then one day I just could not tolerate it anymore. I slowed down for a bit, and it went away. I got back up to where I was. It came back. I collapsed due to the suddenness of it.
To simplify things, I was sent home four weeks later, in the same condition.
Shortly after that I had to start working the crummy job I was so happy to get out of before. That got old real quick. First day back quick.
That was in September that I started working there again. Now I am right back to square one. Depressed, unhappy, and unchallenged. This is a bad state for Gale. All these combined things make for a very unpleasant and antisocial Gale. As the peoples surrounding Gale are finding out once again.
It is wearing me down. There is talk of going to California. That is looking to be my most promising way out at this stage. A new and challenging environment with new peoples. My only problem is the monies. I would be driving cross-country, only to find that I've no place to go or no place to work.
It was suggested that I transfer to a store located wheres I wants to go off to, and then get another job from there. Probably the best option at this point. I would need to have the finances together to get myself living accomodations, and all that too.
I can keep this up for quite some time, but I won't.
I need to get some sleep.
For the first time in months, I have something worth crawling out of bed for. Even if it is to go cash a paycheck.

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