Monday, June 12, 2006

Up Ahead In The Distance I Saw A Shimmering Light Part 3: Flipping The Board

Original Title: Vista - Revisited

Music: The Man's Too Stong ~ Dire Straits
Windows Vista irritated me to no end. 
An AMD Sempron 1.61 ghz processor, 512 MB RAM, 80 gb of hard disk space, and a 128 MB ATI Video Card were not enough.  You truly do consume resouces much in the same manner that a famine - stricken African child would consume the food at an all you can eat chinese buffet.
Needless to say, Windows 2000 Professional is once again running in all of it's smooth crash - free glory on my pretty.
Now, as soon as I can figure out how to port the stuff I actually liked to Win2K, I will be ecstatic.

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