Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dear Whack!

So, it's been seventeen weeks since last I wrote in this eh?

Well, time's fun when you're having flies (if you are a frog, anyway).

Let's see...where to begin

Picking up where I left off...

The Jeep made it's triumphant return from the land of the dead.  Then two months later, the drive shaft broke.  Got that fixed, and then about two weeks ago I blew the transmission.

Super good!

Or not, ya know.

I discovered it would be simpler to merely purchase a new Jeep,  So I did.  The old one is sitting behind my grandfather's barn, and it will continue to do so until I am able to raise the liquid capital required for reincarnation.

Which won't be happening this month.  I get to make something that works out to being about 3 car payments plus my rent this month.

Needless to say, I'm on the poor for a hot minute.  Just barely able to keep my account balance in the clear.

I went to deposit about half the money I got from rolling change this evening, and the other half bought me quite a lot of Ramen.

Yes, I've been poor before.

Anyway, in other news, I've been to Calimafornia, and it was spiffy.

I've accidentally rediscovered an old friend whom I thought I would never see again, and I've made a couple of new lady-folk friends.

Fun stuff there.

I am also marginally ill from Boo Boo The Fool opening a box that reeked of cigarette smoke whilst I was right there.

Damn him.

Anyway, goodnight for now kids, and theoretically, it won't be no stinkin' seventeen weeks before this happens again.

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