Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's Two AM The Fear Is Gone

Jesus Sense
A thing I have been trying to figure out for quite some time now...

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. He is a social outcast for almost the entire song. The implication is that everyone (Santa included) thinks he is useless and a freak of nature. His fellow reindeer treat him as such. They never let him play in any reindeer games (whatever that may entail). Then suddenly, through the culmination of some freakish (I assume) circumstances and highly unfortunate weather, Santa suddenly sees the light (literally), and the idea hits him in the way that a train hits a sofa left carelessly on the track...

"I have this freak of nature with an electric nose? The hell? Might as well make the best of the situation!"

Bam! Suddenly Santa finds a use for the formerly useless Rudolph. Pulls him out of the stable or limbo or wherever, and puts him to work.

Now one would think the other reindeer would have some issue with this. Suddenly being one-upped by the freak they had been ignoring and humiliating for some unrecorded number of years, but no! They are all cool with it. Next thing you know, the song ends on a happy note.

What is the message I am supposed to take out of this song? It's okay to abuse and ignore someone who is different until someone more important comes up with a use for them? Or that it's okay to do that to animals?

Either way, I thought discrimination of any kind was bad?

I realize I am completely missing the point of the song, so if someone wants to clue me in, I will be forever in their debt.


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