Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blinding signs flap flicker flicker flicker blam pow pow

I edited and expanded upon what follows.  Summarized it in email form, and finished it when I got home:

Oh if only you could see what I am seeing now.

This is me standing on the side of State Road 44 in Rush County, looking at the sky and seeing hundreds of stars.  I realize I don't live in New York, LA, Chicago, or wherever.  I do have stars in Indy and Greenwood, but looking up and seeing what  I am seeing is amazing compared to what I have at home.

This is me wondering "Is everything we've worked so hard to achieve worth losing out on the simple things?"

The peace?

The quiet?

The natural beauty of everything all around us?

Is it worth all of the stress that comes of living in Modern American Society?  All of the artificial expectations.  Being exposed to everything we are exposed to in any given day.  All of the preservatives in our food that make things last longer.  At a guess I would say those are probably what is causing the majority of cancer cases that have been around since the seventies or so when they started using them.  Same way with the autism.  This stuff hasn't been around long enough to study the long term ramifications of what they are doing.  For example, I can not drink wine due to the sulfides that wineries use to preserve their product.  Fifty years ago, that would have not been a problem.  This makes me sad due to the fact that I tend to like wine.

All the weirdness, all the extremely disgusting things that we try not to think about.  Random fact...Approximately 45% of all one dollar bills that are in circulation at any given time have been in a stripper's undergarments.  Did you know that?   Did you want to know that?

I know this sort of rambles.  Maybe I'll clean it up some once I've slept and it's had time to reorganize itself in my brain.  Maybe I'll just leave it.  Who knows.

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