Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Guess I'll Just Keep On Ramblin'

So this is me sitting in Starbucks. 

More than ten years after it opened.

Still coming here.

Still sitting and thinking and listening to people gossip and talk to each other.

Still learning about the Human Condition by being a passive observer.

I sit and think about what it is that brings me to this point in my life. What decisions led to other decisions that led to me sitting here.

I have decided that I need to write.  At least one small thing here every day like I used to be so very good at until about ten years ago.

Even if the things do not make sense.

I am well aware of the fact that no one actually reads this. And I am sort of glad of that fact for now.  Maybe one day I will make the rest of the world aware of the existence of this little corner of the internets, but I do not believe I am ready for that day.  Maybe when I have the last twelve years (at least) of writings and ramblings posted, and all of the photo adventuring posted. And all of the paper writings scanned and put where they need to be.

I really hope that when this tapestry...My tapestry is woven (for better or worse) that it is not a tapestry of a shallow, callous person who is only walking through this existence in a haze and simply using oxygen.

I have recently realized that I genuinely want to be a person who makes a difference somewhere to someone, somehow.

And I realize how ego-centric that sounds.  Although for the first time, I feel like I can apply that particular label to me.  So maybe there is hope?

Anyway, peace out, yo.

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