Monday, November 30, 2015

You Need Coolin'

It is amazing to me how people can have a huge impact on our lives, but can then flit out with little to no notice and seemingly never be heard from again. 
I was thinking about that a couple of days ago.
Thanksgiving is always rough for me given that my sister died the day after about ten years back.
There was this girl I knew. She worked at Starbucks (real shocker there, I know.), and was basically there for me in a way no one else ever had been. Even if all that meant was sitting at a table with me for a good long time while I stared off into the nothingness trying to wrap my head around what happened.
Losing track of her is probably one of the few things in my life so far that I actually regret.  Every now and again I try to track her down.  I figure I did it once on MySpace,  I can do it again.

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