Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Little Drops Of Rain Whisper On The Pain, Tears Of Loves Lost In The Days Gone By

 Starbucks Spike  Led Zeppelin Avacado ChickenRaptors

I have noticed a disturbing trend about myself.  I no longer write.  It is a thing I have always enjoyed doing.  I no longer put a lot of serious thought into what I blog about.  Well starting last night that all changes!  So, without further delay...


This is what it is like to be an adult.

For real.

I feel like I have spent the last eighteen years of my life just sort of coasting along.  Drifting aimlessly if you will.  There have been some bad times.  There have been some good times, there have been some downright rad times,

It is December.  The year is basically over at this point.  Sure, we have a bit more to go.  Sure, my "professional life" is supposed to be doing the crazy thing, but there is also the joy that is Christmas.  Even if it is buried in all the gobbledygook that society wants us to demands that we buy into.

There is, however more to my and my life.  A side that I haven't actually written anything about in recent memory.  Not online, not anywhere, honestly.

I haven't written about the whole "Getting Married" thing, and I certainly haven't written about the whole "Having A Kid" thing.  That last part, by the by, will be happening in the next one to two weeks.  Go figure, right?

Anyway, November ended on a pretty positive note.  The Friend I wrote about last night?  I actually managed to track her down and have a brief(ish) Facebook conversation with her.  Turns out her life is going pretty well, even if it is not what she was expecting either.

I have managed to get some of my goals checked off.  I bought a Jeep Wrangler in '03.  Still have the old beast, although she has definitely seen better days (and will again, I've no doubt).

I've done some traveling.  I've been to Florida, South Carolina, California, Ohio, Kentucky, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, New Mexico and Washington D.C.  Granted, Arizona and D.C. were nothing but airport stops, but hey, They count!

There were some unplanned things along the way too.  I basically got bored with life and joined the Army once.  Great fun, didn't pan out.

I've spent some time working at a liquor store.  Which has was both terrifying and interesting.

As for my employment history, I have decided that the best job I've ever had was Arby's.  It was less about the money and more about how much fun I had working with the people that were there.  I feel that was one of the best parts of my life.  Things were really rocking along, especially from '03 - '06.

But that time was not just about the Arby's Life.  There were other things going on too.  There were my Starbucks friends.  Only one of them that I know what happened to.  KCAndTheSunshineBand, if you ever read this, feel free to chime in and let me know how you fared.  I feel like someone once told me that you ended up somewhat north of here after you finished up with school, but that's about all I have.  You too, were one of the people I greatly admired and would love to follow up with all these years later, but I suspect that it is not to be.

In about 2010 I bought my first real camera and have been having a grand old time taking pictures.  There are some places I would love to go and see.  When I was in Texas a few years back, my roommate would not let me trespass on the site of the old Marfa Airfield.  Sad days.

Anyway, there is a lot more to life, but that is the abbreviated version.  Maybe about this time next year I will do this again.

Also, the world WILL be a much better place in 2016...Mystery Science Theater 3000 will be making it's triumphant return from the land of the dead!

I realize this has bounced around like a ping pong ball in a dryer, but it has been good for me.

Goodnight sweet readers, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.


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