Wednesday, December 2, 2015

(The System Of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether


Finally have all of the posts from 2002 moved over from *cough*diaryland*cough*.  Took forever.

I was about 2/3 of the way through everything about six months ago, when I realized all my times were three hours off.  For some reason the blog was defaulting to California time. Go figure.  Instead of doing complicated math (complicated math = current time - 3 hours, carry the date if applicable), I decided to just ditch every entry that wasn't tagged with "blogger" and "photography" and start fresh.

Because, you know, creating that much extra work for something that no one will even notice or care about is considered "easier".

A little bit about my tagging system.  One will always represent the year the entry was written, and one will always represent the platform it was originally written on (lj-*insert journal title here* is LiveJournal, dl is DiaryLand, okc is OkCupid and fb is Facebook).

Over the years I have had two LiveJournal accounts.  They do both still exist, but the last update was sometime in 2013 I believe.

The photography entries that are spread out over the last five or six years are posted according to the date they were taken.  The time is just made up to look fancy.

Most of the rest of the tags are fairly self explanatory, although there are a few that I made up so as to not have a person's name just chilling in my tag list.  Some of them are easier to work out than the others.  I'm also debating whether or not to change the name in the post to match the tag.  So we shall see, I guess.

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