Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Turn The Page

So the last couple of years I have been listening to audiobooks more frequently while I drive to and from work.

About a week and a half ago I started on the Harry Potter books.  I read the first one years and years ago, but I remember so little of it.

This comes of reading rather quickly and not being particular interested. But I figure now that I have a child who will, at some point in his young life, want to read them, I probably should.

So they are being read to me in audiobook format.  If I have time, I will pull out the actual book and pick up where the iPod has left off.  I must say.  They are more interesting to me this time through.  Although I have discovered that there is something about experiencing media through a medium that bypasses the optic nerve that I just find so much more engaging.

I have always been a fan of audio dramas.  Big Finish has done some wonderful stuff with Doctor Who over the years.  The BBC has done an amazing job adapting all five books in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy and both Dirk Gently books.

But that is just me.

I'm weird.

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