Friday, May 25, 2018

It Says Right There In The Constitution That It's Really A Ok To Have A Revolution...

You know, it's interesting.

All of the school shootings that have happened recently.  It is hard to turn a blind eye to it, regardless of where you are, but it is even harder when it happens so very close to home.

Does something need to be done to curb this?  Yes. Most certainly yes. Have we hit on the right answer yet? Unlikely.

I know that the answer lies somewhere between "a polite sign" and "federalize the National Guard, and post armed soldiers in every school and federal building" to "ban all guns...Ban them right now!"

This is the United States we live in. We have this wonderful(ish?) government that is supposed to roll with the will of the people.  Problem is the people don't actually do a lot of voting for the offices that actually matter so we end up with, for lack of a better term, lifers who are in it for the money.

That is a problem.  A problem that only we can change!

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