Monday, September 25, 2006

Always On The Run

Music: One Burbon, One Scotch, One Beer ~ George Thorogood
Whoo!  I can buy food tonight!
Much excitement is involved!
I got a check for the birthday from the step-father's mother.  The one I was figuring on showing up about a 3 weeks ago because she is usually on the ball with that stuff.  Ah well.  It was not a big deal if it did not happen, I have enough mac & cheese and popcorn to get me by when I am not working.  And when I do work?  Good for me.  Plus I could always go to one of the stores around here where no one really knows me.  Then I could use one of my Free Combo cards should I need.  But now I can buy some food.  Milk.  Milk for coffee...mmmcoffee!
Anyway, I am marginally impressed to discover more than no one reads this thing.
Also, for anyone who uses Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 (The best Windows ever!), you might find this one useful
And now to make good with my Vista Installations.
Bye kids.  Also, anyone who reads this LJ, feel free to comment,  I don't bite.

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