Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Living, Loving, She’s Just A Woman

Music: Heartbreaker ~ Led Zeppelin (July 17, 1973 Seattle, WA USA)
So.  A few things:
1 Birthdays be the devil.  At least where I am concerned.  I can not remember when last I had one that was what do you call it-good.
This year I got to watch my five year old brother whilst the father was in the hospital.  Ten minutes after he returned home the hospital called and said he needed to go back.  Right then.  He explained to them that he was icing a cake that he had made for the aforementioned reason and that he would be along shortly thereafter.  He showed up about three hours later.  That was Friday, he is still there.  Maybe he can go on Friday or Saturday.  Which is good because they originally told him he could go in two to six weeks.
Also, my favorite lesbian in all the world lost her job that day too.  Made me sad.  I really liked going to that Starbucks too.  Now I am disinclined to go around there at any time that is not two in the morning because the only people I still like work the third shift.  Whoo.
2 I had something useful, but I forgot.  That is how I roll.
4 I am aware that number three is blank.
5 The time has come for me to do something useful, but now I am listening to "Sweet Home Alabama" from 3/4 of the way across the country via cell phone.  That is some crazy high quality junk!
6 I am looking for a particular song's lyrics to post at the end of this, but every dang site seems to have them wrong so far (including the Electric Magic site).  Grr..
Then I just discovered that Mr. Plant actually performed the song in '90.  Amazering.  Zeppelin did not play the bloody song because Mr. Page hated, loathed, and detested it..
7 Do I track down Nirvana doing my favorite song in all the universe (Heartbreaker) or do I not out of fear? Fear that it would scare me.  Much to fear...
8 With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
She's going around town in her aged Cadillac.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
*Come on, babe on the round about, ride on the merry-go-round,
We all know what your name is, so you better lay your money down.
Alimony, alimony payin' your bills,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
* Chorus
Tellin' tall tales of how it used to be.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
With the butler and the maid and the servants three.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
Nobody hears a single word you say.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
But you keep on talkin' till your dyin' day.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
* Chorus
Livin', Lovin', She's just a woman.
9 I am now going to ditch the Windows Vista.  Nero does not work, WinMX is giving me grief.
10 Windows Vista, you truly are a coy mistress.  You had so much promise...Thus so far you have done nothing but let me down.  I understand that you are still in the testing phase, and I have, I feel, done my share.  But, I think it is time to switch back to something I feel is stable and more fun to use.  Windows Server 2003 here I come!
Whoo!  I will probably set up a dual boot system for 2k3 and Vista, But that is only assuming I get motivated enough to burn these iso files, which I can not do with the simplicity, due to the lack of the Nero,  Grr...I guess I can use my Suse 10.1 box...Lord knows, that is how I did the first one...Hmmm...
Goodnight sweet readers, and flights of angels to sing thee to thy rest...

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