Friday, December 11, 2009

Sleeping With The Television On

Ford 3
It's hard to imagine that I (me, of all people) is almost annoyed about not having television service. Granted, I won't be able to watch the new Doctor Who series when it starts airing, or even the next two specials. I have completely missed that they started the fourth season of The Venture Bros. All of the television that is on right now. Three shows I would watch. One is network, one is on the BBC, and one is on Cartoon Network. All in all, as long as I am patient, I am not going to worry about it.

This really made no sense did it?

I've still got it! Even after all this time!

Go ME!

How Many More Times

Jesus Sense
It's good to know that after all these years, we haven't lost it.

Either that or I am hallucinating. Which is also, at this point, possible.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sippin' Booze Is Precendent As The Evening Starts To Glow

This has been quite the amazing week.

Work is amazing. My pretty Jeep hasn't started since Friday. And no, I don't own a time machine. Tried to make it turn over this morning, and got very little.

I got apples and plants for Christmas.

Thus so far.

I broke my watch. I loved that watch, it was amazing! Now it's gone. Or rather, it's no longer functional self is sitting on my desk taunting me.

I watched Star Trek: Generations last night. Made much more bearable by the commentary of Mike Nelson & Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000. I had forgotten that the villain of the piece was Dr. "The Dark Lord" Sauron as portrayed by respectable British Actor Malcolm McDowell.

Bohemian Rhapsody, as portrayed by The Muppets is quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.

There are other, more shocking and scandalous things that have happened more recently than this morning, but there are now watchful eyes.

Making with the watching.

Always with the watching?

But who watches the watchers?

Paranoia can be amusing, can't it?

Zoe: Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin'?
Book: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Am Iron Man

Cat 3
In the tradition of I, Robot comes I, Ronman, the story of a shy college student who is bitten by a radioactive guy named Ron. Our hero's DNA is transformed, his body taking on the attributes of Ron until - hang on. Apparently we got that wrong and there's nothing remotely that cool going on here. It's Iron Man and from what we're told it's just a guy in a metal suit. Kind of looks like a Transformer. Fights another guy who looks like a Transformer. And you get to see Gwyneth Paltrow's back. And it's directed by the guy who did Zathura.

Not only that, it made a gajillion dollars, no doubt because people got confused and thought they were seeing I, Ronman.

But Mike, Kevin and Bill put aside their collective disappointment over it not being I, Ronman and give it the most iron fortified RiffTrax yet!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Ford 1
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on 7/16/69, make it illegal for US Citizens to hve any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

Friday, November 27, 2009

I Love...

I love that we live in a society where the "Busiest Shopping Day Of The Year" is now more important than the holiday that it follows. People skipping family time to line up at the shops for the "Amazing Deals" on "Crap We Really Don't Need."

Granted, that could just be "My Biased, Crowd-Hating" personality talking here.

Just ignore me, everyone else does.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's Two AM The Fear Is Gone

Jesus Sense
A thing I have been trying to figure out for quite some time now...

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. He is a social outcast for almost the entire song. The implication is that everyone (Santa included) thinks he is useless and a freak of nature. His fellow reindeer treat him as such. They never let him play in any reindeer games (whatever that may entail). Then suddenly, through the culmination of some freakish (I assume) circumstances and highly unfortunate weather, Santa suddenly sees the light (literally), and the idea hits him in the way that a train hits a sofa left carelessly on the track...

"I have this freak of nature with an electric nose? The hell? Might as well make the best of the situation!"

Bam! Suddenly Santa finds a use for the formerly useless Rudolph. Pulls him out of the stable or limbo or wherever, and puts him to work.

Now one would think the other reindeer would have some issue with this. Suddenly being one-upped by the freak they had been ignoring and humiliating for some unrecorded number of years, but no! They are all cool with it. Next thing you know, the song ends on a happy note.

What is the message I am supposed to take out of this song? It's okay to abuse and ignore someone who is different until someone more important comes up with a use for them? Or that it's okay to do that to animals?

Either way, I thought discrimination of any kind was bad?

I realize I am completely missing the point of the song, so if someone wants to clue me in, I will be forever in their debt.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Before I Go Insane

Ford 2
For anyone who has ever had a conversation with me and then started wondering "what in the hell is wrong with me?"

The answer seems to be here...

Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, and people with it therefore show significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported.

Asperger syndrome is also called Asperger's syndrome, Asperger (or Asperger's) disorder, or just Asperger's; it is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy. Fifty years later, it was standardized as a diagnosis, but many questions remain about aspects of the disorder. For example, there is lingering doubt about whether it is distinct from high-functioning autism (HFA); partly because of this, its prevalence is not firmly established. The exact cause is unknown, although research supports the likelihood of a genetic basis; brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology.

There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data. Intervention is aimed at improving symptoms and function. The mainstay of management is behavioral therapy, focusing on specific deficits to address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness. Most individuals improve over time, but difficulties with communication, social adjustment and independent living continue into adulthood. Some researchers and people with Asperger's have advocated a shift in attitudes toward the view that it is a difference, rather than a disability that must be treated or cured

Saturday, November 14, 2009

And I'm Telling You Son, It Ain't No Fun Staring Straight Down A .44

Ford 1
So I have this shiny new (well, 9 years old) Mac. It is a PowerMac G4 that is running OSX 10.4 Tiger. It is basically an amalgamation of three broken computers I put together and then replaced some of the old insides with newer insides just for a lark. It seems to be working out pretty well. I do like it, and it is an interesting challenge basically learning to use a computer again.

Although I do see why Apple ships their stuff with such huge monitors these days...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Enough About You, Let's Talk About Life For A While

I am strange. No need to argue, I am calling myself out on that one. I have strange rules about things. Two of which seem to need rethought I think. I will not ask a girl out if I am working and she comes into mh place of employment. Just seems unprofessional. I won't argue if she were to say something, but I won't start it. The same applies to a girl working at a place like Starbucks. I figure they have to deal with that pretty often, so I try to leave that alone.

I meant to put more, but I am going to sleep instead of hanging around until the Mac's drive is finished cloning itself. Dang it, I need to buy dirt on the way to work tomorrow.

Post from mobile portal

Saturday, November 7, 2009

There's Nothing To It...

So I got a new phone yesterday. A new phone from which I can do things like write this very entry. This is truly the future!

Post from mobile portal

Monday, November 2, 2009

Video Killed The Radio Star

I think I shall go mad...Again!

Time Keeps On Slipping...

Wish You Were Here
I really need to start writing stuff type things in this space again soon.  Really very soon, actually. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pack Up My Belongings

Original Title: Back in the day

Wooden Bender
"My strategy for making life bearable was to just start doing random and interesting things. Because, frankly, people tend to be wary of the unpredictable and strange. Which is, more or less me.

The people shy away from me at the store when I am looking at "Where's Waldo?" books in the aisle at 2 in the morning. The employees give me a wide berth when I am having an imaginary jungle adventure that ranges all over the store at 4 in the morning. The Wal-Mart people do not like having tennis balls thrown at them, Nor do they like it when you start a band with the instruments that they have lying about on display in the electronics section for no other reason than you are bored out of your skull."

I miss those days, I really do.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

And I Still Don't Seem To Care

Led Zeppelin Avacado
The high point of my day thus so far I think involved either bowling on the Wii or finding the first couple of seasons of Pinky & The Brain for to make with the watching.

Also, I am two hundred pages into the book I started reading at about 11 this morning.  Hooray!

Off to the Starbucks (MY Starbucks, because it is amazing!), and then to return Sis-Tar's computer, sans iPod, to her.

Also, this:

Looking to Raise Money, U.S. Government to Begin Offering “Clunkers for Cash”

Washington, D.C. – Looking to raise money after exhausting their $1 billion appropriation, the Car Allowance Rebate System, more commonly known as “Cash for Clunkers” announced that they will now be implementing a “Clunkers for Cash” program that will allow Americans to buy “clunkers” back from the government for their full blue book value.Under the original plan, consumers could trade in an older, less fuel efficient vehicle and receive up to $4500 in vouchers toward the purchase of a new, more fuel efficient vehicle. This proved to be wildly popular, as the processing of claims on this plan began on July 24 and ran out of money a mere six days later. Congress initially asked for an additional $2 billion, but decided it would be a more profitable venture to just sell the clunkers back to the American public at full blue book value.

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood told reporters, “Like a bunch of pussies, we initially went to congress for help. However, after adding up the blue book values of all the ‘clunkers’ we took in, we found out we could bring in over $10 billion if we flipped them, so that’s what we’ve decided to do.
As part of the plan, the “clunkers” will be parked at State Capitol Buildings around the country and members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be sent home to act as salesmen for the cars. Negotiations on the sales commission they will receive are still ongoing.
Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Ohio), the house member who sponsored the original bill, was livid with the decision and lashed out at LaHood saying, “The whole idea of this program was to get these older, gas guzzling cars off our streets. By taking them in and re-selling them at a much higher rate than we paid for them is a complete travesty. It literally turns us into used car salesmen and entirely nullifies the positive environmental impact the plan was meant to have.”
Many consumers, however, appear to be siding with LaHood in the matter. Terry Schaaf, a life long citizen of Larely, couldn’t be happier, saying, “I’ve always felt there wasn’t a better family car out there than a 1976 Chevrolet Caprice Classic. It’s roomy, and at 4300 pounds, it’s tough to be on the wrong side of a collision in it. Because of that, I’m ok with paying a little extra for gas and the bottles of lead additive I need to mix with it.”
Sales of “clunkers” are set to begin August 15th.

They're Laboratory Mice

I have an incomplete list on here in the distant past, but these always made me laugh.

So without further ado:

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
I think so, Brain, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?

I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels

Uh... yeah, Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?

Uh, I think so, Brain, but balancing a family and a career ... ooh, it's all too much for me.

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but isn't Regis Philbin already married?

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but burlap chafes me so.

Sure, Brain, but how are we going to find chaps our size?

Uh, I think so, Brain, but we'll never get a monkey to use dental floss.

Uh, I think so Brain, but this time, you wear the tutu.

I think so, Brain, but culottes have a tendency to ride up so.

I think so, Brain, but if they called them "Sad Meals", kids wouldn't buy them!

I think so, Brain, but me and Pippi Longstocking -- I mean, what would the children look like?

I think so, Brain, but this time *you* put the trousers on the chimp.

Well, I think so, Brain, but I can't memorize a whole opera in Yiddish.

I think so, Brain, but there's still a bug stuck in here from last time.

Uh, I think so, Brain, but I get all clammy inside the tent.

I think so, Brain, but I don't think Kay Ballard's in the union.

Yes, I am!

I think so, Brain, but, the Rockettes? I mean, it's mostly girls, isn't it?

Well, I think so -POIT- but *where* do you stick the feather and call it macaroni?

Well, I think so, Brain, but pantyhose are so uncomfortable in the summertime.

Well, I think so, Brain, but it's a miracle that this one grew back.

Well, I think so, Brain, but first you'd have to take that whole bridge apart, wouldn't you?

Well, I think so, Brain, but "apply North Pole" to what?

I think so, Brain, but "Snowball for Windows"?

Well, I think so, Brain, but *snort* no, no, it's too stupid!

Umm, I think so, Don Cerebro, but, umm, why would Sophia Loren do a musical?

Umm, I think so, Brain, but what if the chicken won't wear the nylons?

Well, I think so Brain, but what if we stick to the seat covers?

I think so Brain, but if you replace the "P" with an "O", my name would be Oinky, wouldn't it?

Oooh, I think so Brain, but I think I'd rather eat the Macarana.

Well, I think so *hiccup*, but Kevin Costner with an English accent?

I think so, Brain, but don't you need a swimming pool to play Marco Polo?

Well, I think so, Brain, but do I really need two tongues?

I think so, Brain, but we're already naked.

We eat the box?

Well, I think so, Brain, but if Jimmy cracks corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?

I think so, Brain *NARF*, but don't camels spit a lot?

I think so, Brain, but how will we get a pair of Abe Vigoda's pants?

I think so, Brain, but Pete Rose? I mean, can we trust him?

I think so, Brain, but why would Peter Bogdanovich?

I think so, Brain, but isn't a cucumber that small called a gherkin?

I think so, Brain, but if we get Sam Spade, we'll never have any puppies.

I think so, Larry, and um, Brain, but how can we get seven dwarves to shave their legs?

I think so, Brain, but calling it pu-pu platter? Huh, what were they thinking?

I think so, Brain, but how will we get the Spice Girls into the paella?

I think so, Brain, but if we give peas a chance, won't the lima beans feel left out?

I think so, Brain, but if we had a snowmobile, wouldn't it melt before summer?

I think so, Brain, but what kind of rides do they have in Fabioland?

I think so, Brain, but can the Gummi Worms really live in peace with the Marshmallow Chicks?

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but wouldn't anything lose it's flavor on the bedpost overnight?

I think so, Brain, but three round meals a day wouldn't be as hard to swallow.

I think so, Brain, but if the plural of mouse is mice, wouldn't the plural of spouse be spice?

Umm, I think so, Brain, but three men in a tub? Ooh, that's unsanitary!

Yes, but why does the chicken cross the road, huh, if not for love?  (sigh)  I do not know.

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but I prefer Space Jelly.

Yes Brain, but if our knees bent the other way, how would we ride a bicycle?

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but how will we get three pink flamingos into one pair of Capri pants?

"Snowball, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
Oh Brain, I certainly hope so.

I think so, Brain, but Tuesday Weld isn't a complete sentence.

I think so, Brain, but why would anyone want to see Snow White and the Seven Samurai?

I think so, Brain, but then my name would be Thumby.

I think so, Brain, but I find scratching just makes it worse.

I think so, Brain, but shouldn't the bat boy be wearing a cape?

I think so, Brain, but why would anyone want a depressed tongue?

Um, I think so, Brainie, but why would anyone want to Pierce Brosnan?

Methinks so, Brain, verily, but dost thou think Pete Rose by any other name would still smell as sweaty?

I think so, Brain, but wouldn't his movies be more suitable for children if he was named Jean-Claude van Darn?

Wuh, I think so, Brain, but will they let the Cranberry Dutchess stay in the Lincoln Bedroom?

I think so, Brain, but why does a forklift have to be so big if all it does is lift forks?

I think so, Brain, but if it was only supposed to be a three hour tour, why did the Howells bring all their money?

I think so, Brain, but Zero Mostel times anything will still give you Zero Mostel.

I think so, Brain, but if we have nothing to fear but fear itself, why does Elanore Roosevelt wear that spooky mask?

I think so, Brain, but what if the hippopotamus won't wear the beach thong?

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
(Pinky)  Whoof, oh, I'd have to say the odds of that are terribly slim Brain.
(Brain)  True.
(Pinky)  I mean, really, when have I ever been pondering what you've been pondering?
(Brain)  To my knowledge, never.
(Pinky)  Exactly. So, what are the chances that this time, I'm pondering what you're pondering?
(Brain)  Next to nil.
(Pinky)  Well, that's exactly what I'm thinking, too.
(Brain)  Therefore, you *are* pondering what I'm pondering.
(Pinky)  Poit, I guess I am!

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's Time For Dinner Now, Let's Go Eat

Jesus Sense

"What is the world coming to when Chicago can't fix an election anymore?" - Gov. Mitch Daniels on Chicago's getting shot down for the Olympics.

Ah, that made my day.  Some days I almost like living in my state.

Also, look at the street I have internets again!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Ford 2
This kid just bought Ghostbusters for Wii.

The twenty or so minutes I put into yesterday was super amusing and hilarious.

Can not wait until Wednesday so as to get to play more of it.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shakin’ Like A Leaf

What your rotors should NOT look like!

The caliper had basically seized and I kept driving for a couple of days...It was pretty terrifying.