Wednesday, January 8, 2003

And So Today, My World It Smiles...

Led Zeppelin Avacado
this crazy scheme of mine is actually coming along far too nicely for my taste. I threw out like 80% of my computer junk this afternoon. Also got some applications for various places that i would like to work in my spare time.My cds and records are in a place that shall remain accessible until the very end. I put a lot of my stereo equipment away as well. Also, all of my video game systems and most of the games have been put away.
this whole mess is confusing me. on the one hand, everything is still iffy. moreso now with the almost nine hundred dollars more of work that had to be done to my car the other day. yet, i am still putting things away, and looking for a job, and that sort of thing. idunno what will become of this, but it should be a fun ride!

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