Friday, January 17, 2003

Mirrors On The Ceiling, Pink Champagne On Ice

Original Title: Story time!

I have bunches of things I want to write about right now, but I am not. I am going to make this entry, add something to my template, then go to bed. It is after all, almost 4 am.A little about the entry first off. It is the background story of the 3 main characters to my little "Hotel California" based story. I realize you could get some of it from the "older" pages, but I am going to conglomerate it all here. Mostly because I am such a nice guy.
By the way, August 16th is indeed an important date. It will be explained later on. As will some serious space-time continuity issues. They will all be explained very soon. so, assuming i have not scared you too badly, here goes:
August 16, 2002 -- Gambling
Red...Looks like I will live to see another day. For the last thirteen months and seventeen days I have started my day with a turn of the roulette wheel. If it ends up red, I will live to see another day. If it ends up black, I can finally put myself out of my misery. With every turn of the wheel, every drop of the ball, I hope for the black. Red every time. Thirteen and a half months is to much of a coincidence for me. The hotel is driving me insane.
For the past twenty-six years I have been a prisoner here. A prisoner of my own device probably, but a prisoner nonetheless.
It all started in 1967. I was the guitar player for a little band called Brain Damage. We started out playing in various clubs and bars, and, like most bands, we developed a small cult following. Soon we ended up with a major record contract, and we went from being a small club band to a nationally known and loved band. None of us really expected that to happen, so we took the whole thing just one little step at a time.
It went good for the first three years, but something about 1970 changed us. More me than us though. Suddenly everyone and their brother wanted to be just like Johnathon Betlow Goodman - Johnny B. Goode as I was known at the time. My image started to grow. At first it was fun to be larger than life. With each performance, however, it seemed my image grew another foot. In late 1975, after hundreds of shows, 7 albums, and millions upon millions of screaming fans looking at me as though I am some sort of god, Johnny B. Goode said "No more!"
After discussing the issue with my fellow bandmates, we decided it would be best to go our own separate ways. At least until everything calmed down. I thought it would be fun to travel a bit, but I wanted to go somewhere that no one had ever heard of me.
After a lot of research, my girlfriend Ruth decided we should go to Italy. It seemed the logical thing to do, seeing as how I had never actually been there. That alone, was a sufficient reason for me.
After a relaxing six months in Rome, we flew back to the States. I came back a week before she did so I could find a place to live and get our stuff out of storage.
On the way back to California, the plane had some engine trouble, and was forced to land in Las Vegas. I did not want to sit around in some airport, so I bought a car and decided to drive back to Sacramento. A journey which I am, twenty-six years later, yet to complete.

August 16, 2003 -- Going To California Pt. 1
Spent my days with a woman unkind, Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine.
Made up my mind to make a new start, Going To California with an aching in my heart.
Someone told me there's a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair.
Took my chances on a big jet plane, never let them tell you that they're all the same.
The sea was red and the sky was grey, wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today.
The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake
as the children of the sun began to awake.
Seems that the wrath of the Gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow;
I think I might be sinking.
Throw me a line if I reach it in time
I'll meet you up there where the path
Runs straight and high.
To find a queen without a king,
They say she plays guitar and cries and sings... la la la
Ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn
Tryin' to find a woman who's never, never, never been born.
Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams,
Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems.
-End Prologue

It has now been six months since the woman I love left for the Air Force. I might also add that it has been a depressing six months. I never told her how I felt about her, but I think she not only knew, but loved me as well.
We did not actually have any sort of "formal" relationship. Probably a good thing. We were able to keep our jobs that way. We worked in a small bookstore in South Carolina. She had been working there for two years, and as a manager for one and half of those years when I got hired. Company policy forbade dating other employees, but we did things together outside of work anyway. There were no problems with that because we kept it quite secret.
Our little outings were usually planned when it was just the two of us there. Never supposed to have any less than 4 people in the store at all times, but she was good at guaranteeing our privacy.
If those were "The Best Of Times," then I guess that makes these "The Worst Of Times."
August 16, 2006 -- Going To California Pt. 2
It would appear that I have not written in this little black notebook of mine. A mistake I now plan to rectify.
After I found out where my "friend" was going to be stationed, this crazy little scheme I had dreamed up years ago came rushing back into my mind. The plan in question, was indeed, the very reason I took the job at the bookstore to begin with. I was going to save lots of money and then go to California. It was all well and good, until I met Renee.
Anyway, back to the story. I found out that she was going to be stationed in California. I mentioned my little plan to her via letter, and needless to say, she was ecstatic. I loved the idea, she loved the idea, therefore we were both happy, and soon to be together once again. So, I took a vacation, and flew down there for 2 weeks. I found out that I could just transfer from the bookstore in South Carolina the store in Sacremento. Whoo! I also secured an apartment. Then I flew back and started making preparations to go. I packed my stuff in a rented truck, and started off to California to be with the woman I loved. It was all well and good until I stopped in a desert hotel just past Las Vegas.
Renee has been waiting for me to show up for two and a half years now. There seems to be no escape from this cursed hotel.

I never really thought seriously about keeping a diary. They make it out to seem that all girls have one, but I never did. Just never could get into it. The events of the last year or so, however, need to be recorded somehow, and this is the only way I could think of to do it.
I am going to give this my best shot.
August 16, 2001 -- A Day That Shall Forever Live In Infamy
"The world became a very unpleasant place to live this morning. Our soverign empire has been dealt a blow so horrible this morning, that we may never recover from it." Began Emporer Rufas V. "At 7:06 am Eastern Standard Time the Bolshevik Regime invaded the states of Korea, Vietnam, China, and Laos. They attempted to bomb Tokyo, but the Air Force had already been alerted to their presence.
"Now, my brothers and sisters, I call out to you. I call out to you to aid this mighty American Empire in completely removing the Bolsheviks from this Earth!"
That was pretty much it for the day. Rufas got the support for his war. I had, at the time anyway, absolutely no intention of being a part of it. I was content with my quiet life, and my boyfriend who wasn't.
August 16, 2002 -- Airforce Here I Come!
I joined the Air Force today. I did it for the free education and travel opportunities. Or so I keep trying to convince myself. I leave in February.
October 28, 2002 -- Woe Is Me
Oh how I wish that Tom was not so oblivious to the fact that I am so insanely in love with him that it is not funny. One would think that after all of the stuff that we have done together these last few years, that he would at least have some idea. I think that he really just puts up with me. Ever since I told him I was leaving for 10 years, he has become somewhat distant towards me. He becomes moody and (dare I say it?) depressed whenever he hears me talk about it. Which, for someone who just "tolerates" me, seems fairly odd. Whatever.
I think I will try to make him see my true feelings before February, but I am not holding my breath. It looks like my only option will be to run away from my feelings and the man I love after all.
Although, I can't quite shake the feeling that I am missing something...
February 16, 2003 -- AAARRRRAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
It hit me as I was boarding the plane that morning. I would have kicked myself if I was coordinated enough. He knew that I loved him all along. The worst part of it is that I was totally unaware of the fact that he loves me too! Why did he not say anything to me though?
July 28, 2003 -- Ooh, Big Big Scary Secret Mission! Ooh!
I was given a very dangerous assignment this morning. It would seem that I am flying a group of scientists and archeologists deep into the heart of what we like to call "Commie Country." In other words, Asia. They plan to retrieve some big artifact or something that is sacred to the commies. Good luck us. We will need it.
--Today is actually the 16th of August, in the year of our Lord 2003 A.D.--
August 16, 2003 -- Disorientation Station. Please Disembark At Your Convenience
I just regained consciousness. I need to write down what happened now before I forget. Maybe make some sense of it. Where am I anyway?
Anyway, that can wait, writing is more important.
We set out as planned yesterday evening. We were going to Washington D.C. to pick up the archeologists. Some freak storm kicked up right where we were. Storms are nothing for me. We have weather defense screens and the lot, so it should have not been a problem. It was.
We were hit by a massive bolt of lightning. I don't know if everyone was killed right then, or if they are here with me. I was the only one who did not pass out (or die, I am not sure). The plane lost all power, so I started to glide in a downward direction, in hopes of being able to land on a smooth patch of desert, or even, if my luck held, the highway. To make a long story short, I got down just fine. I was hit on the head by something, just as we touched down, Naturally I passed out.
Now that that is down, I think it is time to find out just where I am, and where I can get some food.

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