Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Take Me On Out Of This Town

Music: Blackfoot - Train, Train

What happens when you try to be Japanese? by hideto

Your Name Gale

Your Age 20

Your Japanese Name
Usagi (Rabbit)

Your New Style
Strictly Business.

Your Favourite Singer

You end up becoming..
An international film star

Cash flow?

You die..
Suicide (freezing yourself to death in a meatlocker)

Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

The Evil Overlord Prophecy Thing! by eon337

What is your awe-inspiring name? Gale

Date you will usurp power:
October 23, 2224

You will usurp power from:
The cartoon owl. Don't ask.

Your trusted second in command will be:
Charged with Treason.

Your base of operations will be:
A secret base in a volcanoe.

Your secret weakness will be:
Sock puppets.

Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Cowboy Bebop - YOUR bounty by Drusilla

Username IRNothing

How much are you worth?

Number of victims

Your story
You killed the first time for protection, then you killed again and loved the feeling. Then you just kept killing and killing and killing...

Will you be caught?
Nope, you're very devious and good when you plan your moves.

Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

What future Final Fantasy Game will you create?

Your Name/Nickname Gale

Your Favorite FF FFVII

Game Name
Oh No! More Chocobos!

Main Character
Vincent Valentine

Kill off the FF Writers

How will it sell?
Somehow you sell negative copies

Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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