Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Stood On A Ridge

I’m going to start off by apologizing.

I do not usually use this as a vessel for anything serious (but it has been known to happen).

First off yes, I am Catholic. No, I do not go to this church. No, I am not defending this or any other form of abuse that has happened in the Catholic Church over the years. Yes, I am peripherally aware of the people involved in this, but have only actually met (and even that is a vague sort of thing) one of them.

At a party.

Anyway, here is the story from

Indianapolis priest charged with kidnapping and battery in dispute with his wife

Holly V. Hays, Published 6:41 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2018 | Updated 6:47 p.m. ET Feb. 28, 2018

An Indianapolis priest is facing multiple charges after authorities say he struck his wife, held her against her will and threatened to choke her at a local church.

The Rev. Luke Reese, who made history as the first married priest in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, faces two counts of criminal confinement and one count each of kidnapping, domestic battery, battery resulting in bodily injury and intimidation following a Sept. 24 altercation with his wife.

Ordained by a division of the Catholic church based in Houston, he was assigned to Indianapolis and served as a parochial vicar at Holy Rosary Church. He was granted a six-month leave of absence after the incident.

The charges stem from events that unfolded after Reese found his wife in a car with another man, according to court documents.

Reese's wife told police she and her husband drove in separate vehicles to a park near 34th Street and Central Avenue where they could talk. When she got into his car, she told police, he locked the doors and began to drive.

As Reese was driving her to Holy Rosary Church, he repeatedly slapped her and demanded the pass code to her cellphone, she told police. Inside the church, he again demanded access to her phone.

When she refused, Reese's wife told police he forced her to kneel at the altar and threatened to choke her. He also slammed her against a wall inside the church, the documents said.

When they returned to the car, she relented, she told police, and gave him the pass code. He read text messages she had exchanged with the other man before slapping her again and causing her head to hit the car's window, the documents said.

Reese's wife told police they then went to her grandmother's home, where he told her she would stay away from the "temptation" of Indianapolis, according to court documents. Reese planned to have his wife tell her family "what she had done by talking to another man," his wife told police.

But when his wife's grandmother asked about the bruising and swelling on her face, Reese began to yell.

"I hit her, that's what's wrong with her," the grandmother remembered him saying, according to court documents.

"A priest and you beat her?" she remembered asking.

"I could have killed her," Reese replied, according to court documents.

Reese's attorney declined to comment about the allegations Tuesday night.

Mary Foley Panszi, who represents Reese's wife, declined to comment specifically about the case but said she wants to caution against casting judgment.

"I'm a strong believer in 'innocent until proven guilty,' but you don't go blaming the victim in anything like that, regardless of what are the surrounding facts," Panszi said. 

A jury trial is scheduled for May, according to online court records. The charges of criminal confinement and kidnapping are Level 5 felonies, each punishable by up to six years.

The charges, filed in October 2017, were first reported Tuesday afternoon by independent reporter Damien Fisher.

Reese, formerly an Anglican priest, was ordained in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter at Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston in 2016, according to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He has since served as an associate pastor in Indianapolis' Holy Rosary Parish.

Because Reese's archbishop is in Houston, Indianapolis Archbishop Charles C. Thompson cannot immediately make any official decisions regarding discipline and Reese's status within the church, according to Greg Otolski, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Otolski said he had no knowledge of any of the incidents taking place inside Holy Rosary Church. Placing Reese on leave was a decision mutually made by leadership in both Houston and Indianapolis after the allegations came to light, he said.

In a written statement, the ordinariate said Reese has been barred from performing any public ministry since he was placed on leave. His leave of absence was announced to Holy Rosary parishioners in an Oct. 1 bulletin.

"Bishop Steven J. Lopes of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter has pledged the diocese’s full cooperation with the civil authorities conducting the investigation," the statement reads. "The Ordinariate is committed to collaborating with authorities to ensure justice is provided for all concerned, and affirms the Catholic Church’s clear teaching that domestic violence is never justified."

IndyStar reporter Vic Ryckaert contributed to this story.

Call IndyStar reporter Holly Hays at (317) 444-6156. Follow her on Twitter: @hollyvhays.

Okay. Here we go.

First and foremost I am not defending any of this in any way shape or form.

Not this, nor any of the other scandals the church has found itself embroiled in over the years.

The reason I am even as familiar with the details of this as I am is because my wife’s family goes to this church.  It has hit home for them in a very serious way.  They know all of the people involved in this very well.  They have had all of these people in their home fairly regulary. Sometimes at the same time.

What the writer of the article doesn’t go to mentioning is that there was a whole lot more going on here.  It looks like the head priest at this church was covering for Reese to some degree.

I think for my wife’s family (including her younger sister who considers the head priest a friend), and, probably the majority of the parish is the betrayal of trust issue.  If one priest was, indeed, covering for the other (*allegedly* he was aware of the situation and did not report it), there is a huge problem.

The bigger problem here, for me, is why this is news but how all of the good works the Catholic Church in general does is not.  Had this been another demonation which didn’t have specific rules about priests being married (essentially he slipped in on a technicality), this would have been a blurb in the crime section or a 2-3 paragraph story on page 17 between a bunch of ads.

The media is all about sensationalism more than reporting.  It feels like it always has been. Jon Stewart said it best in America, The Book with regard to “The Spanish-American war from william Randolph Hearst and William Pulitzer. “The papers blamed the Spanish and presto! The resulting war raided circulation for both men, and the pair’s blend of fiction, bigotry and jingoism became known as yellow journalism.

Later, the phrase was shortened to “Journalism.””

But seriously.  Why does it have to be something like an 80/20 mix of nasty/nice.

Monday, February 26, 2018

We Are Marching

Remember what I wrote yesterday about Kevin Smith?
Apparently about an hour after I wrote that he had a pretty massive heart attack.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Imperial March

If Quentin Tarantino gets a Star Trek movie can Kevin Smith get a Star Wars movie?

I still want to see Jay and Silent Bob selling drugs on an Imperial Star

I Hear The Birds Sing A Sleepy Song

With regard to Friday's post, I figure it has been a very long time since I did anything by hand.

So I did.

I spent entirely too much time today working on recreating A post from 2006 because I despised the formatting from the LiveJournal copy and paste, but now I'm more of less happy with it.

The highlight of my day is always lying in bed for a few minutes with my son and hearing about his day.

Nothing better.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Woke Up This Morning And The Sun Was Gone

First off...I do indeed have a post from 2/23.  It is handwritten and I just haven't scanned it yet.

On to today!

Not much happened of interest. It rained.

I worked. Ate some pizza and popcorn and tacos.

Had a mediocre beer (🍺)( sorry, I just want to see an emoji on this thing).

Read an article about boardgames destroying relationships. Some of then I could see coming (Catan, Monopoly) but Parcheesi and Connect Four came out of nowhere.

Also, I Read a spoiler-filled review of the seventh Song of Ice and Fire book this evening.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

I Will Choose Free Will

Cleared out my spam folder today.  There was an email with the subject of "Defective Blood Filter?"

Didn't know I needed a filter.  How frequently do I need to change that? I'm pretty sure I never have.

There Are Stars In The Southern Sky

Finished Elric of Melniboné just now. On to the Fortress of the Pearl.

I feel like that is one of the stories that gets a pretty bad rep, but I enjoy it. It was always one of my favorites, and the fact that there more books basically resulted from it makes it even better in my opinion.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Day The Music Died

As I've been moving over LiveJournal posts from 2004 i realized that I was subconsiouly counting down the days until November and the posts about my sister's death.

That was, I think, part of what was holding me back on this project for so long. Those were memories I really didn't want to revisit. Especially from when they were as fresh as they were the days I wrote about them.

I may add to and expand upon them now (2018), seeing as I have had time to come to terms with it and process everything.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

But February Made Me Shiver

Most Dubious Video Game Purchase Ever (yes, this too has achieved proper noun status in my mind!) arrived this day.
This arrived with my name on it:

It was very rattley when shaken (not usually something you want in a video game system box).  I tossed it on the scale as is…Factory packaging, packed for mailing and the entire thing weighed a whole 9 ounces.

For comparison’s sake I pulled out my Nintendo 3DS XL and removed the game cartridge…Weighs 11.8 ounces.



The box is very bright and shiny (literally shiny!) and has an awful lot of things that probably violate every single copyright that is depicted.

I find it hard to belive that either Marvel Comics or Sega would allow their characters to be used in such a way, but hey…You never know!

Also, I’m pretty sure “PXP 3” is written in the exact same font you would find on a PSP from Sony.

Inside the box you have two cartridges. One claims it has 888,888 games and the other lays claim to 666,666 games. There is a USB charging cable and a cable to go to the tv.

Then there is the system itself. Looks an awful lot like a PSP. Has no real substance. The buttons on the right side are marked very inexplicably…No standard “A B X Y.” They are marked with very odd symbols.

Also it is impossible to mute it entirely.

Anyway, I will turn it on in the next day or two and see if it actually contains 1 and a half million games.

It is unlikely.

Monday, February 19, 2018

This Sword Here At My Side Don't Act The Way It Should

I began rereading the Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock today.  I have always enjoyed the books (as I have written about here in the past), but I've never gone through them all together.

I have the volumes Song of the Black Sword and Stealer of Souls from the 90's White Wolf omnibus books (and pretty much all the other books too!).  They don't exist in that format in eBook, so I have assembled the stories in that order from the actual eBook versions.

Anyway, since the last time I read them there have been three more books released that take place during the final story, so when I get to that part, it's off to the realm of dreams!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

And She Don't (Not Actually True) Care

I actually beat my sister who usually wins today on Ticket To Ride (or Rage).

To be fair, she usually kills it on the USA map and really doesn't do much with Europe. I play all of the maps fairly evenly on the app, so I had a better strategy this time.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Kiss My Ass I Bought A Boat And I’m Going Out To Sea

Music: If I Had A Boat ~ Lyle Lovett

I like how some of these posts are completey random and nosensensical.  Fourteen years later I have no idea what came that was so exciting.  I’m going to go with it was my Office 2003 Beta Kit. No, that is about a year too late. I have no idea what it could have been.

All of my entry titles are either a line or a title from a song.  Sometimes it is whatever I was listening to at the time (in this case what I was listening to in 2018 when I was moving it over to the new platform), sometimes it is completely random based on either whatever fits or whatever is in my brain.

The Sun Comes Up In A Coffee Cup

Went to bed about 1am, got up a couple of times in the night with the girl child.  Got up for good about 5:30 with her.  She is sleeping again after I cleaned the snot and congestion out of her head and fed her.
In between she was dancing to an unexpected song on YouTube:
That one concerned me a little bit.
We jumped around a bit and landed on:
So crisis averted? I guess?
Meanwhile I am sitting here at my wife’s parent’s house watching their youngest children all weekend and still chugging along with moving things from LJ over to here.  Very time consuming and ardous.
But hey. Life. Amiright?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Fightin' Killin'

To the friends and loved ones of all of those in Florida who lost their lives in the recent school shooting tragedy I am so sorry.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

When Life Seems Jolly Rotten, There’s Someting You’ve Forgotten

My sister-in-law is getting married.
This has been a very dramatic thing.
If I never have to be a part of this whole bridesmaid dress fiasco again, I will be a very happy person.  Sadly, she has two more sisters, so you know.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mission Control Calling Supernova


It is a word.

It most likely does not mean what you think it means.

Epic is a word that gets thrown around a lot. An awful lot.  My wife used the word to describe our failure to return a pack of baby wipes to her mother.  That was not, in fact, an "epic fail."

What was, however, an "epic fail" was the nuclear missle warning that was mistakenly broadcast in Hawaii a few weeks back that caused considerable local and national distress.

The tale of forgetting to return the baby wipes is not, nor will ever be an "epic tale."

What was, however, an "epic tale" was the Iiliad and the Oddysey.  The story told in those volumes was, I'm pretty sure, the original "epic." At least as we have known it until fairly recently.

Recently anything from dropping a Kleenex to accidentally launching a nuclear missle can be considered an epic fail.

Our society has gotten to a point where any word that sounds cool and sort of kind of can be interpreted to mean what you want it to mean. 

That is kind of a problem. 

It takes away the impact of a truly epic event (See Hawaii) when the word is used to describe everything mundane or otherwise. 

The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turning

So. LiveJournal.

Between the two of them I have 337 correctly tagged posts.  I do not have nearly as many posts copied over as I thought I did.

Ah well.

That is on top of over 100 diaryland posts, but I think those are actually all here.  Which is good because they have never gotten back to me about whether or not my stuff still exists.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

When The Lights Go Down In The City

I was out picking up a shirt for my sister in law this evening and decided to stop and take a picture of this fountain.


Any Way You Want It

Went to pick up a shirt for my sister 

This is the sort of thing they have.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Dedication, Devotion Turnin' All The Nighttime Into The Day

Enough said. 

Been So Long Since I Found Out

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Just wanted to say that I do still write. There is also photography now.

All of that can be found over here these days.

I'm slowly copying everything from here, my irnothing journal and maybe even my old dl account (if the people over there somehow managed to archive everything before they trashed it all) over to there.

I Know A Couple Of Guys They Really Do Like Pie

Many many many many many many years ago I had a blog over on

I was going to make sure I had all of my entries moved over onto here yesterday afternoon only to find out that my blog no longer seems to exist.  This is only a slight surprise, honestly. The last time I updated it was probably sometime in early 2004.

I do not know if LiveJournal was invite only at the time or if I just didn't know about it or I just wasn't as comfortable with the internet in general or what, but that is where I was in those days.

Anyway, I just emailed the diaryland people to see if they have an archive or if it is just gone forever. Honestly I find it difficult to believe that such things can be just gone on the internet.  I know I have most of it between this blog and my second LiveJournal account.

I guess I will have to wait and see if a second portion of my online life (the first being my old geocities websites) is gone forever or not.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Flight Of Fancy On A Windswept Field

Okay.  Longhorn is installing. 
What I said before? Firing up Win2k3, creating a partition, cloning off the VM and overwriting it?
Worked perfectly!
So here we go:
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_12_37
Windows Longhorn Build 5048.
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_12_50
We have a pretty new start up screen.
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_12_57
Welcome to Windows Setup.
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_13_26
Agree to the Blah Blah Blah
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_13_37
Settings?  Okay!
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Basically what happened above was me formatting my cloned machine’s hard drive so I can install this beast.
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_14_07VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_14_20
Next we name the machine.
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_14_44VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_14_47
Just in case we wanted to set up the time zone or something? Nope! Shot down!
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Sit through a bunch of this crap for a few minutes…
VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_22_23

VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_23_14VirtualBox_Longhorn 5048 Post Reset_05_02_2005_00_23_18
So this time around it gives an active command prompt while it is installing Windows.  I decided to play around with it a bit…
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Windows Media Player had to be killed with the Task Manager.  I was unable to get Windows Explorer to load, but hey…I could have played Solitaire while I waited if I wanted to!
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That was basically the end of the installation.  Later I will play around with the OS and see what fun things there are to be had.
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Aero Theme!