Monday, February 12, 2018

I Know A Couple Of Guys They Really Do Like Pie

Many many many many many many years ago I had a blog over on

I was going to make sure I had all of my entries moved over onto here yesterday afternoon only to find out that my blog no longer seems to exist.  This is only a slight surprise, honestly. The last time I updated it was probably sometime in early 2004.

I do not know if LiveJournal was invite only at the time or if I just didn't know about it or I just wasn't as comfortable with the internet in general or what, but that is where I was in those days.

Anyway, I just emailed the diaryland people to see if they have an archive or if it is just gone forever. Honestly I find it difficult to believe that such things can be just gone on the internet.  I know I have most of it between this blog and my second LiveJournal account.

I guess I will have to wait and see if a second portion of my online life (the first being my old geocities websites) is gone forever or not.

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