Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mission Control Calling Supernova


It is a word.

It most likely does not mean what you think it means.

Epic is a word that gets thrown around a lot. An awful lot.  My wife used the word to describe our failure to return a pack of baby wipes to her mother.  That was not, in fact, an "epic fail."

What was, however, an "epic fail" was the nuclear missle warning that was mistakenly broadcast in Hawaii a few weeks back that caused considerable local and national distress.

The tale of forgetting to return the baby wipes is not, nor will ever be an "epic tale."

What was, however, an "epic tale" was the Iiliad and the Oddysey.  The story told in those volumes was, I'm pretty sure, the original "epic." At least as we have known it until fairly recently.

Recently anything from dropping a Kleenex to accidentally launching a nuclear missle can be considered an epic fail.

Our society has gotten to a point where any word that sounds cool and sort of kind of can be interpreted to mean what you want it to mean. 

That is kind of a problem. 

It takes away the impact of a truly epic event (See Hawaii) when the word is used to describe everything mundane or otherwise. 

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