Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Waitress Please, I've Had Enough

Original Title: Stoof

All in all, it's been a great couple of days for me.I unloaded the truck at work this afternoon, because my friend who usually does it had plans to be out of town again. Plan called to be there by 3, but I got my boss called at 1:17 and said "Hey Gale! Guess what! Truck's here!" to which Gale said something along the lines of "Isn't it about 2 hours earlier than expected?" she said "Yeah, well, it's a different guy this week. I told him that the guy last week said showing up just after 1 was for that day only. He said he did not know, and then I had him call MBM to find out what was going on."
Gale cut her off about there and said "I will be there in 20 or 25 minutes then." she said "Ok, see you then." Then we hung up, and I went to work 2 hours early. One hour earlier than planned though. It has not been a bad day for me at all.
Yesterday I went to see Jackass. Not the best movie I have ever seen, but it was the most disgusting. Also, for the first time since The Lord Of The Rings in January, I did not go alone. It was a totally unexpected thing too. The company was, without a doubt, better than the movie.
Ah well. Time to get offa here now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

My, My This Here Anakin Guy

Original Title: Really bad jokes / Conservation of IQ / Dueling physics guys / Nostradamus / Redneck Jedi

Ford 1
Found this stuff on
They have some entertaining stuff there.
Really Bad Jokes
For some reason, I found this amusing.
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?
A stick.
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck.
Where do you find a dog with no legs?
Right where you left him.
Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Because they have big fingers.
What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall?
Why don't blind people like to sky dive?
Because it scares the hell out of the dog.
What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver?
A bad golfer goes, whack, damn. a bad skydiver goes damn, whack.
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way, unique up on it.
What goes clop, clop, clop, bang,bang,clop clop clop?
An amish drive-by shooting
How are a texas tornado and a tennessee divorce the same?
Somebody's gonna lose a trailer.

Conservation of IQ
The Setup
It has occurred to us that the number of idiots in the world has been rising at an unbelievable rate in recent years.
Couple that observation with this statistic: The life expectancy in many countries has risen from 54 to 63 from 1986 to 1996. In other words, people have stopped dying (or nearly so).
The Theory
Conservation of IQ
There is a finite amount of intelligence available to the sum of all people - and we have reached "World IQ Saturation".
With each new birth, some people get a little stupider. [sic]
Until recently we had only "proof by anecdote" - that is, examples of incredibly stupid people (you wonder how some of these people figured out velcro). But you can't base a study on a few morons ("a few" is not a statistically valid sample).
The Test
Recently, (it's news as of 23-5-96) the National Science Foundation made a test of basic scientific concepts and gave it to a large number of Americans.
The results were amazing.
25% of the people surveyed got 7 or more correct. (That means 75% failed - not good)
Here's a sample of the breakdown.
How long does it take the Earth to go around the sun?
A One Day (18%)
B One Month (35%)
C One Year (47%)
53% of the people surveyed got this one wrong.
OK, thats 14% higher than you would get by guessing.
If you're really optimistic, you could count that 14% as a success. (I wouldn't)
Humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs.
A True (52%)
B False (48%)
52% of the people surveyed got this wrong.
Now that's 2% worse than guessing.
Thats just not good no matter how you look at it.
The Conclusion
If you're one of the people who is amazed that it takes the Earth an entire year to go around the sun or that a T-Rex never consumed a human - KILL YOURSELF NOW, or there will be no more IQ points for future generations!
Thank you for your cooperation.

Dueling Physics Guys
On 8-17-96, I came across a great thread on / sci.physics
The thread was called "Just a Second" and had a lot to do with absolute time. As I was reading this, I couldn't help but visualize a Pro-Wrestling style match.
Here is the chronicle of the actual thread.
What follows is my take.
And now for the main event in tonight's physics grudge match...
Challenger Ken Seto vs. Champion Nathan Fenenga Yospe
Nathan Fenenga Yospe - - University of Hawaii Dept of Physics
Ken "Pretzel Boy" Seto - - Credentials Unknown
With appearances by:
Graham Robinson - - University of Glasgow
"Mysterious" Murky B - - ???
Steve "Left Field" Turner - - Cornell University
John Francis - - Dept of Geological Sciences, CSU??
And - here we go!
Now here is now everywhere. Every successive now here is every sucessive now everywhere. In other words, the rate of flow of earth time is the same in all inertial frames.
That's a bold move right off the bat - he's not making any friends with that time perspective.
Ken, how can I put this lightly, without worrying you or upsetting you unduly.
I refer you for proof to Mr Einstein, a rather clever Jewish chap.
Ooh. Graham invoking the name of Einstein there. I'm sure that's a physics man all of our home viewers are familiar with...
What is your problem? Is the logic too deep for you?
Ken is taunting Graham's logical skills - I think that's going to be a technique Ken is going to work on all evening...
AND Nathan F. Yospe from the University of Hawaii Dept of Physics jumps into the ring to defend Graham! This is looking to be a great match!
Um...what logic? Graham is quite correct. Dr. Einstein made it quite clear and explicit. Time is dependent on whether you are undergoing frame shift... in other words, accelerating. It is only "now" exactly where you are, and in each point moving at the exact same speed, in the exact same direction as you (read not moving, for you non generalizing types) Now, the earth is not moving in exactly the same direction, all the time. More to the point, the people halfway around the world from you are not in the same relative frame, quite. If the Earth were rotating at such a speed that the surface was approaching c, you would notice, believe you me. (Approaching c relative to a point 90 degrees offset around the axis of rotation, in a particular direction, meaning forward). Be careful when you site "logic" on this NG, Ken. There are a lot of physics people here. Generally, we are quite good at logic, you see. And we mean the real thing, not word games, the way certain types often do.
Approaching c would send you reeling, and I believe Ken may be reeling from that last dissertation...
No! Ken looks unscathed!
Don't include youself among the physicists who are logical. Your logic is non-existing.
Yet another logic slam!
As one fellow logical physicist type (and Pratchatt fan) likes to say when confronted by such well constructed arguments as that, "Prove it, pretzel boy!!" Next time, substantiate your wild accusations, please.
Nathan is coming back hard - It doesn't look like Ken can defend his position.
I stand by what I said before. Time is an invention of man. It is an abstractive construction and as such it is not tie to any physical object.
Well, it _sounds_ like a defense...
blah, blah, words thrown together without regard for the concepts they symbolize, on and on without any substantial logic, just a bunch of rhetoric...
Nathan does not accept Ken's psychobabble! It doesn't look like anyone's buying Ken's 'abstractive construction'.
Therefore, time in this sense is absolute and the rate of flow of time is the same everywhere. OTOH, to measure time you need a cyclical event of a physical system it is this time that appear to be flexible because of the inertial motion of the physical system can effect the cyclical event. If you visualize that a universal clock runs at the same rate in all inertial frames then the measured time and the absolute time would be the same and in that case there is no need for the fexible time concept.
Steve "Left Field" Turner looks pissed off at the flexible time concept, and he's letting Ken know...
Its probably too late for me to join the fray, but let me give my two cents worth.
I think I see what you are saying about the universal clock, and in a limited sense I agree with you. Let me explain. From my perspective, I can establish the notion of "now" for my own location and all other locations. The fact that light takes time to travel from place to place is a minor inconvenience, in that I can't really say that something happened at all until I get the news, and by then the "now" during which it happened has gone by. But I needn't let that worry me, I can simply back-date the news an amount equal to the distance it traveled divided by the speed of light. The distance, of course, will be subject to some dispute, but for my own purposes, I can establish it easily by bouncing a light ray off it and measuring the transit time (using my own clock).
If I can convince everybody to use my clock and my interpretation of distances, I will have succeeded in establishing a universal time. If everybody uses it to measure times for all purposes, the the absolute time and *now* that we desire will have been achieved. There will be some problems with this system, though. Suppose I send someone to another planet to get some stuff for me, and during this trip he will travel at a reasonable fraction of the speed of light. Then as you pointed out, this motion will affect his physical processes. Suppose my envoy wants to get some sleep, and knows that 7 hours will do the trick. I can construct a portable clock for him which will read the "universal" time by using one of the "flawed" clocks which relies on some periodic physical process, and correcting it according to how fast it is moving, and how far away it is from its original location. My envoy will have a very difficult time using this clock, because it will speed up and slow down in an annoying fasion depending on how fast he decides to go.
So, he cannot use it to correctly gauge how long to sleep, or how long to cook an egg, or when his laundry will be done. He can't even tell how much longer the trip will take without doing some calculations. In fact this clock will not be useful to him in any way, because if he is an independent spirit and decides to take a look at *my* clock at home base (using a large telescope) and correct for the time delay in the same way he is accustomed to seeing me do it, he will be shocked to discover that his clock and the home base clock disagree! This discrepancy will resolve itself as he approaches closer and closer to the home base, but nonetheless they will disagree.
Now one might say that it is a bit selfish of me to define the universal time according to my own point of view, and indeed, it seems to somewhat diminish the aesthetic appeal of the whole idea. It would be much better if we were all just *given* one of these portable absolute clocks, without any mention of where it came from. Absolute time should be like this after all.
Unfortunately, the problems with these clocks will persist! they will appear (to us) to run at different rates, and they will be of no use in scheduling meetings or officiating the all-universe olympic games. The variations in the rate of passage of 'universal time' will make them practically useless! Unless, or course, you and everybody you know are in very nearly the same frame of reference. If you never travel very fast with repect to anybody that you might talk to, then the subject of these variations would never come up, because they would be too small to notice. In fact, 'couterfeit' universal clocks could infiltrate the community, ones which are not actually corrected, but rely simply on some periodic process, for example a swinging pendulum.
These counterfeit clocks could easily be mistaken for clocks which read absolute time. The difference would not be discovered until someone or something accelerated to a speed large enough for it to be noticed.
In essence, this is exactly what has happened in our community here on earth. We mistook our clocks for absolute clocks, and when it was found out that they are not, there was alot of commmotion and disbelief and in the end we will slowly get used to it.
Wow, there's an amazing move! I don't where Steve came from, or even what the hell he was talking about.
John Francis is now entering the ring and it looks as though Ken isn't getting any help. John isn't too happy about flexible time either...
The last time I saw arguments as far-fetched as these the topic was the luminiferous ether.
They wanted absolute motion; you want absolute time. In neither case can the existence or non-existence be demonstrated ***by any experiment whatsoever***. Given that, I would side with Occam and suggest that there is no such thing. You can continue to believe in them if it makes you feel better, but berating those who don't happen to share your own viewpoint is not a defensible activity.
You might have noticed in my previous post that I _DID_ present a situation that would allow the experimental proof (or disproof) of absolute time, namely an anular singularity, or "wormhole", which might or might not respect the "time" of either side of the discontinuity in spacetime. (Disproof because a singularity popping you out two centuries ago in the same location would demonstrate time as a gradiential phenomenon. Look it up.) Nevertheless, all experimental evidence at the moment suggests that time is relative, and has no absolute nature.
OH MY! Nathan is now going after John! That's a break for Ken, it seems as though John isn't going to recognize anular singularity, and Nathan's going to sink him with his trademark "Wormhole Maneuver".
Personally I happen to believe that time (and space, for that matter) *only* exists in the presence of physical objects such as the universe.
Now _THAT_ sounds quite reasonable, as an assumption. In fact, it might even be provable. More to the point, they have to be difined in terms of physical objects, such as the universe, so.....
John has switched sides just in time - I really think Nathan could've taken John down if he wanted to... Ken is certainly on the run - it's now 3 on 1.
Your problem is that you associate time as a property of a material system--it is not. If you think for a moment, you will see that only motion is a property of any material system. With that in mind, a material system cannot influence the rate of passage of time. Conversly , the passage of time have no influence on a material system. OTOH, motion is quantifyable by time and that's why we are able to use flexible time to explain absolute motion (Einstein's approach) . The problem with this approach is that absolute motion is the mother of all the processes in the universe and when we eliminate it from consideration we end up with theories that are not compatible with each other (QM and Relativity).
That sounds plausible to _this_ commentator. I do believe he's got a point there. It'll be tough for Nathan to defend against that!
Hold on. All I associated with the material system was ACCELERATION. Now, think for a second. Why is acceleration a part of a material system? Think hard. You can do it. Come on, Ken, you seem to think that you are smart. Incidentally, motion is NOT a part of a material system, Ken. Hmm. Batting zero, aren't you? Why is motion not a part of a material system? Well, lets say you were in the middle of nowhere. How fast would you be moving? Hmmm. Yes, I suppose you would know, wouldn't you? Some innate property of motion, perhaps? Hmmm. Yes, I guess that would make you a god. Because there is no way to determine that motion, without reference points. Because that motion does not exist.
OH MY! Nathan is now taunting Ken - the difference between acceleration and motion being cited here. And, when dealing with time in a material system, that's a big difference - let me tell you.
You are just like a little kid--can't wait to jump on somebody. As I said before your logic is non-existing. Motion is a part of a material system when there is a medium occupying space.
Ken is somehow able to look past the acceleration problem. I think Ken may score here.
Murky B:
Are you familiar with the Michelson Morely exp? Muon lifetime measurement experiments?
Any theory which you come up with by "common sense" must give agree with the observed behaviour of nature (see above) and come up with additional predictions. In what observational way does your theory differ from SR and GR? Can a test be devised to differentiate between your theory and relativity? This is the only way to conduct science, if your theory doesn't have any observable consequences then it's metaphysics - and should be treated as such.
The "Mysterious" Murky B mentions the Muon measurements of Michelson Morely. Maybe the match will be maneuvered to the 'Metaphysical Mosh Pit'. I'm sure Ken would be none too happy about that!
Special Relativity is equivalent---in all its predictions, if not in its metaphysics---to a "rigid ether" theory. In a rigid ether theory, there *is* a notion of an absolute rest frame, and (1) clocks moving with respect to this absolute rest frame slow down, and (2) extended objects moving with respect to this absolute rest frame are contracted in the direction of motion. The equivalence of all inertial frames in this theory is not a postulate, but a derived consequence; the length contractions and time dilations "conspire" to make the absolute rest frame undetectable, so that any inertial frame can equally well consider itself to be at rest.
The situation is similar in General Relativity. Rather than assuming that space is curved, one can instead assume that space is flat, but there are universal forces acting on all sources of energy and momentum. Just as the "absolute rest frame" of the ether theory is undetectable, the "flat space" of this theory is undetectable, and this theory ends up being equivalent to General Relativity.
Ken just may have rescued this whole match from the metaphysical tone it was aquiring. A brilliant save!
Acceleration, on the other hand... well, have you ever seen a person on a spinning ride, their face flattened out? Acceleration is a very real property. In fact, it also has the distinct advantage of being measureable anywhere. You see, there is another property of acceleration. It provides its own reference points. Convenient, wouldn't you say? So, in the middle of nowhere, how can you tell you are accelerating? Well, you had to accelerate some other stuff the other way, so you check your motion _relative_ to that.
Again Nathan pounds home the acceleration-motion argument! Ken's going to have to accept that argument...
I am impress[ed] with your knowledge of acceleration. But I don't get the connection.
This is the first weakness we've seen in Ken this whole match. He's actually admitted he "didn't get" something. There's a big opening for Nathan...
Now, Ken, I'd like you to shut your fool mouth. I know you didn't know any better, but you see, you made me irritated, and when I get irritated, I sound like a priss. I don't like sounding like a priss, and I can't imagine you like sounding ignorant, so for the sake of all concerned, stop mouthing off and go read some Einstein.
Nathan looks mad! Even though Ken has proven little, he's really got Nathan flustered.
Feeling a little insecure? Only insecure people talk irrational[ly] like you [do].
Ken is offering nothing of substance here - he may be trying to taunt Nathan _even more_ in hopes of getting him to make a mistake.
Its actually quite easy reading, you will find, compared to, say, Newton. Oh, and work it out for yourself, afterwards. It should make more sense. Incidentally, if you want to make a case for universal time, I advise using wormholes as your method. Tachyons, even theoretical as they are, still obey relative time. On the other hand, wormholes don't even have to stay in the same universe, much less the same time and place. I guess anular singularities are not as usefull as all that after all.
It looks like our champ isn't going down that easily - a crushing blow with some beautiful sarcasm thrown in there.
Why would I want to take your advise? I am already light years ahead of you.
Ken has declared himself winner (as is par for _his_ course) - but I think the judges' voting will tell a different story...
Final Score -
Ken "Pretzel Boy" Seto - 8
Nathan Fenenga Yospe - 14
Nathan Remains Champion of the WPWA! (World Physics Wrestling Association)
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 22:57:04 -1000
From: Nathan F Yospe
X-Sender: yospe@uhunix1
Subject: Just saw the play-by-play
MIME-Version: 1.0
Interesting. Very interesting. Brings back memories, it does.
Nathan F. Yospe - Aimed High, Crashed Hard, In the Hanger, Back Flying Soon
Jr Software Engineer, Textron Systems Division (On loan to Rocketdyne Tech)
(Temporarily on Hold) Student, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Physics Dept.

Interpreting Nostradamus
For Fun and Prophet*
People have asked me - 'How do other people interpret these Nostradamus writings?'
Its easy!
Step One: Establish something you want to prove, a prophetic event about the near future (like there will be an end to fighting in the Middle East) or something that already has happened ([insert timely event here]).
Step Two: Do a fuzzy search on the entirety of the texts of Nostradamus. Do a search kind of like spell checkers do - find anything within a few letters, or anything that sounds similar to one of the words in the statement you're trying to prove. Its ok if the word you're searching for is in a language Nostradamus didn't know, he was that good.
Step Three: Bastardize the meanings of every other word in that quatrain to suit your needs. If you need a '9', and you have a September - Take it! Its the 9th month! If you need a '7', and you have a September - Take it! "Sept" means '7'! Feel free to cross translate homonyms. For example if you need 'Son of', and all you have is the French for 'sun' - translate that into English, and Viola! son = sun in English! Wasn't Nostradamus clever?!
Step Four: Enjoy a nice beverage. **
Happy interpreting!

You might be a redneck Jedi if...
You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."
Your Jedi robe is a camouflage color.
You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.
At least one wing of your X-Wings is primer colored.
You have bantha horns on the front of your land speeder.
You can easily describe the taste of an Ewok.
You have ever had an X-wing up on blocks in your yard.
You ever lost a hand during a light saber fight because you had to spit.
The worst part of spending time on Dagobah is the dadgum skeeters.
Wookies are offended by your B.O.
You have ever used the force to get yourself another beer so you didn't have to wait for a commercial.
You have ever used the force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.
Your father has ever said to you, "Shoot, son come on over to the dark'll be a hoot."
You have ever had your R-2 unit use its self-defense electro-shock thingy to get the barbecue grill to light.
You have a confederate flag painted on the hood of your landspeeder.
Although you had to kill him, you kinda thought that Jabba the Hutt had a pretty good handle on how to treat his women.
You have ever accidentally referred to Darth Vader's evil empire as "them damn Yankees."
You have a cousin who bears a strong resemblance to Chewbacca.
You suggested that they outfit the Millennium Falcon with red wood deck.
You were the only person drinking Jack Daniels on the rocks during the cantina scene.

You Sit Right There Beside Me Girl And Make Yourself At Home

Original Title: Stories!

Ford 2
No. I have not forgotten about the stories. No inspiration for them lately. Rest assured, however, we could see the next chapter in Forkifeller McSpooniker's adventure as early as Wednesday evening!!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Heavy Like A Bomb Baby Come On And Get It On

Original Title: Mets Application

Ford 3
Here is an interesting and fun thing I found this evening.
Employment Application for the
New York Metropolitan Baseball Club
Name: _________________________________
Current address: _________________________
New address, beginning October 2003: _______________
Previous job experience (days served): _______________________
Reason for being asked to leave: ________________________________
Did the job live up to expectations? (If so, please discontinue filling out the remainder of application): _______________________
Most recent salary (discounting concession stand slush funds): _________________________________
Education (If any beyond sixth grade, you should be smart enough to avoid this job): _______________________
Do the words "Transparent Scapegoat" bother you? (If no, please continue filling out application): _______________________
References (Darryl Strawberry phone calls no longer accepted): ____________________________________________________________
Psychiatrist (name and office phone): _______________________
How many children would you have before you named one Mookie? __________
Would you describe your collection of disguises as ample, merely adequate, or nonexistent? __________________
Please indicate your "good" side and "bad" side for purposes of photography (note: The Post will be notified of your bad side, The Times notified of your good): ______________________________
Are you currently, or have you ever been a red-headed stepchild? ________________________
When you read about Sherman burning Atlanta to the ground, are your tears motivated primarily by joy, or sadness? ______________________
Do you suffer from bouts of extreme nausea, headaches, rashes, or jealousy upon hearing the words "Damn Yankees"? ______________________________________
Would you rather be considered a crazed masochist or a naïve moron? _____________________________________________
Essay Questions
(write 1,000 words on one of the following)
When shopping, do older, overpriced models upset or entice you?
What is the most effective way to stage a player-manager marijuana intervention WITHOUT hurting the player's feelings, disciplining him, or expressly forbidding a player from continual usage?
Which would bother you more and why: your starting catcher holding hands with a man, or doing a commercial with Alf?

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Here I Am, A Veteran Of A Thousand Psychic Wars

Original Title: Microsoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends Network

Jesus Sense
** Microsoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends Network : Which Provides Better Support for Microsoft Products?** Full original working title**

I was surfing this page when i found this little gem:Microsoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends Network : Which Provides Better Support for Microsoft Products?
by Michael Patrick Ellard and Daniel Albert Wright
In the course of a recent Microsoft Access programming project, we had three difficult technical problems where we decided to call a support hotline for advice. This article compares the two support numbers we tried: Microsoft Technical Support and the Psychic Friends Network. As a result of this research, we have come to the following conclusions:
that Microsoft Technical Support and the Psychic Friends Network are about equal in their ability to provide technical assistance for Microsoft products over the phone;
that the Psychic Friends Net work has a distinct edge over Microsoft in the areas of courtesy, response time, and cost of support; but
that Microsoft has a generally better refund policy if they fail to solve your problem.
In the paragraphs that follow, we will detail the support calls we made and the responses we received from each support provider. We will follow this with a discussion of the features provided by each support provider so that readers can do their own rankings of the two services. Our research began when we called Microsoft regarding a bug that we had detected when executing queries which pulled data from a Sybase Server into Microsoft Access. If we used the same Access database to query two databases on the same server, we found that all of the queries aimed at the second database that we queried were sent to the first database that we had queried. This problem existed no matter which database we queried first.
Dan called Microsoft's Technical Solutions Line, gave them $55, and was connected with an official Microsoft Access technical support person. As Dan began to explain the problem, the support person interrupted him, and told him that since it was clear that it was not just a problem with Access but with the two programs together, Microsoft would not try to help us.
They did,however, have a consultant referral service with which he would be glad to connect us. Dan then asked if we could have our $55 refunded, since Microsoft was not going to try to answer to our question. The tech support person responded by forwarding Dan to the person in charge of giving refunds. The person officially in charge of giving refunds took Dan's credit card info again, after which Dan asked about the referral service.
It was too late, however - the refund folks could not reconnect Dan with the tech support guy he'd been talking with, nor could he put Dan in touch with the referral service hotline. End of Call One.
Our second call came when Dan was creating some line graphs in Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access actually uses a program called Microsoft Graph to create its graphs, and this program has a "feature" that makes the automatic axis scale always start the scale at zero. If all of your data are between 9,800 and 10,000 and you get a scale of 0 to 10,000, your data will appear as a flat line at the top of your graph - not a very interesting chart. Since Dan was writing Visual Basic code to create the graphs, he wanted to be able to use Visual Basic code to change the graph scaling, but he could not find anything in the help files that would tell him how to do this. After working with Microsoft Graph for a while, Dan concluded that it probably didn't have the capability that he needed, but he decided to call Microsoft just to make sure. Dan described his problem to the technical support person, whom we'll call Microsoft Bob.
Microsoft Bob said he'd never gotten a call about Microsoft Graph before. He then left Dan on hold while he went to ask another support person how to use Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Bob came back with the suggestion that Dan use the online help. Dan, however, had already used the online help, and didn't feel that this was an appropriate answer for a $55 support call.
Microsoft Bob didn't give up, though. He consulted the help files and learned to change the graph scale by hand and then began looking for a way to do this via code. After Microsoft Bob had spent about an hour on the phone with Dan learning how to use Microsoft Graph, Dan asked for a refund since he had no more time to spend on the problem. Microsoft Bob refused the refund, however. He said he wouldn't give up, and told Dan that he would call back the next week. Microsoft Bob did call back the following week to admit failure. He could not help us. However, he couldn't give us a refund either.
Microsoft Bob's supervisor confirmed Microsoft Bob's position. While Microsoft Technical Support hadn't solved our problem, they felt that a refund was inappropriate since Microsoft Technical Support had spent a lot of time not solving our problem. Dan persisted, however, explaining that if Microsoft Bob actually knew the program, he would have been able to give Dan a response much sooner. The supervisor made no guarantees, but he instructed Dan to check his credit card bill at the end of the month. The supervisor explained that if Dan saw that the charge was still there at the end of the month, then he would know that he hadn't gotten a refund. End of Call Two.
Our third call to Microsoft involved using the standard file save dialog from within Microsoft Access to get a file name and directory string from a user in order to save an exported file. The documentation didn't make it clear how to do this using Visual Basic code within Microsoft Access, and Dan decided to call Microsoft to ask if and how a programmer could do this. The technical support person he reached told him he was asking about a pretty heavy programming task. He cheerily informed Dan that he'd called the wrong number and advised Dan to call help for Visual Basic, not Access ($195 instead of $55). This technical support person was extraordinarily helpful in getting Dan his refund. End of Call Three.
Stymied by our responses from Microsoft, we decided to try another service provider, the Psychic Friends Network. There are several noticeable differences between Microsoft and the Psychic Friends Network. Microsoft charges a flat rate per "solution," which is a single problem and can be handled in multiple phone calls. As described above, Microsoft may or may not issue a refund of their fee if they fail to provide a solution for your problem. The Psychic Friends Network charges a per minute fee. They do not offer a refund if they cannot solve your problem. However, unlike Microsoft, they will not charge you extra if they provide more than one solution per call.
We decided to test the Psychic Friends Network by asking them the same questions that we had asked Microsoft Technical Support. We called them and were quickly connected with Ray, who was very courteous and helpful. Like Microsoft Bob, Ray quickly informed us that he wasn't fully up to date on the programs that we were working with, but he was willing to help us anyway. We started off with our first problem : making a connection from Microsoft Access to two different Sybase Servers. Ray worked hard on this problem for us. He sensed that there was a problem with something connecting, that something wasn't being fulfilled either in a sexual, spiritual or emotional way. Ray also identified that there was some sort of physical failure going on that was causing the problem." Do you mean that there's some sort of bug?" we asked. Ray denied that he knew about any sort of bug in the software. "Are you sure there's not a bug?" we asked.
Ray insisted that he did not know of any bug in the software, although he left open the possibility that there could be some bug in the software that he did not know about. All in all, Ray did not do much to distinguish himself from Microsoft Technical Support. He wasn't able to solve our problem for us, and he wasn't able to confirm or deny that a bug in Microsoft Access was causing the problem. We then asked Ray our question about using Visual Basic to set the axes of a chart. Ray thought hard about thisone.
Once again he had the sense that something just wasn't connecting, that there was some sort of physical failure that was causing our problem. "Could it be that it's your computer that's the problem?" he asked. "Is this something that happens just on your computer, or have you had the same problem when you've tried to do the same thing on other computers?" We assured Ray that we had the same problem on other computers, then asked again, "This physical failure that you're talking about, do you mean that there's some sort of bug? "Once again he assured us that there wasn't bug, but that he didn't know how to solve our problem. "I sense there's some sort of sickness here, and you're just going to have to sweat it out. If you'd like, you can call back tomorrow. We have a couple of guys here, Steve and Paul, and they 're much better with computer stuff than I am."
To conclude our research, we asked Ray about our problem with the standard file dialog box." It's the same thing as the last one," he told us. "There's some sort of sickness here, and you're just going to have to sweat it out. There is a solution,though,and you're just going to have to work at it until you get it."
In terms of technical expertise, we found that a Microsoft technician using Knowledge Base was about as helpful as a Psychic Friends reader using Tarot Cards. All in all, however, the Psychic Friends Net work proved to be a much friendlier organization than Microsoft Technical Support. While neither group was actually able to answer any of our technical questions, the Psychic Friends Network was much faster than Microsoft and much more courteous. Which organization is more affordable is open to question. If Microsoft does refund all three "solutions" fees, then they will be the far more affordable solution provider, having charged us no money for having given us no assistance. However, if Microsoft does not refund the fees for our call regarding Microsoft Graph, then they will have charged us more than 120% of what the Psychic Friends charged, but without providing the same fast and courteous service that Psychic Friends provided.
Microsoft Tech Support (800) 939-5700
The Psychic Friends Network (900)-407-6611

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

The Grand Vizer's Garden Party (Part III)

Original Title: Deep - Fried Twinkie Pt. 3

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Fried Twinkie?Yep, that’s right. The Chip Shop in Brooklyn, New York has found a new dessert that is uniquely delightful and making news all over the place – the Fried Twinkie. The shop’s owner, Christopher Sell, has found that deep-frying Twinkies and serving them with a little berry sauce for dipping is a big seller!
As described in the New York Times, “Something magical occurs when the pastry hits the hot oil. The creamy white vegetable shortening filling liquefies, impregnating the sponge cake with its luscious vanilla flavor... The cake itself softens and warms, nearly melting, contrasting with the crisp, deep-fried crust in a buttery and suave way. The shop adds its own ruby-hued berry sauce, which provides a bit of tart sophistication.”
"We go all out with the Twinkie and put some four-berry coulis on the plate," Sell said. "It makes it into a fancy-schmancy dessert."
So, next time you are in the Big Apple be sure to stop by the Chip Shop (383 Fifth Avenue (between 6th and 7th Streets), Park Slope, Brooklyn (718) 832-7701) and experience the newest twist to eating a Twinkie.
It said "invention of." it is, in my opinion, a real let-down.

The Grand Vizer's Garden Party (Part II)

Original Title: Deep-Fried Twinkies Pt. 2

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Fried Twinkies Are the Rage
From its humble beginnings at a Brooklyn fish ‘n’ chips shop to appearing on national television, the Fried Twinkie has caught the imagination of Americans, while tantalizing their taste buds. New Yorkers, state fair goers and the anchors of ABC’s Good Morning America have all fallen in love with Fried Twinkies.
The Fried Twinkie was invented by Christopher Sell at the ChipShop, his fish ‘n’ chips restaurant, in Brooklyn, New York. For a full story about the invention of the Fried Twinkie, click here.
The Fried Twinkie first received praise in the New York Times. “Something magical occurs when the pastry hits the hot oil. The creamy white vegetable shortening filling liquefies, impregnating the sponge cake with its luscious vanilla flavor. . . The cake itself softens and warms, nearly melting, contrasting with the crisp, deep-fried crust in a buttery and suave way. The shop adds its own ruby-hued berry sauce, which provides a bit of tart sophistication.”
A natural place for the Fried Twinkie was the state fair circuit, where it became an instant hit. Clint Mullen sold them at the California State Fair in Sacramento and was surprised by the demand.
“We had no idea these things were going to be so popular,” said Mullen. “We were literally the talk of the fair and people were amazed at how good they taste.”
Fried Twinkies certainly were popular; Clint and his brother Rocky sold more than 25,000 during the 17-day fair. Fried Twinkies have also appeared at the state fairs in Kansas, Texas and Washington.
The Fried Twinkie has made several television appearances in cities all across the country and appeared on MSNBC, CNBC and Good Morning America. Keep a look out for Fried Twinkies; they could be available in a town near you.
This came off of the official Twinkie website.

The Grand Vizer's Garden Party (Part I)

Original Title: Deep-Fried Twinkies Pt. 1

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Ok. This is just too stupid. Deep-fried Twinkies. Don't get me wrong. I occasionally enjoy eating them, but the thought of deep frying them just makes me sick.
U.S. National - AP

Fried Twinkie Fad Hits Arkansas
Tue Oct 15, 9:52 AM ET
By EDWARD R. PEREZ, Associated Press Writer
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - In the South, where some joke that the four basic food groups are barbecued, baked, broiled or fried, state fairs are filled with booths that sell everything from corn on a stick to club-like turkey legs.
AP Photo

For dessert, an odd new treat has emerged: fried Twinkies.
Phil Dickson of Hot Springs has sold about 1,000 of the batter-dipped, deep-fried goodies topped with powdered sugar since the Arkansas State Fair opened Friday.
"It's amazing to me," Dickson said Monday. "The response has just been tremendous."
Each Twinkie, at 160 calories and five grams of fat a pop, is impaled on a stick and frozen until firm, then dipped in a batter similar to that used to fry fish.
Deep frying adds more calories and fat, and the powdered-sugar coating apparently complements the Twinkie's altered state.
"The inside creamy part stays cool, while the outside is warm," said Rhonda Yates, a postal worker spending her vacation helping Dickson with the Twinkie booth.
Fairs in Arizona, California, Kansas and Washington also are expected to roll out fried Twinkies this year.
Suzanne Hackett, the general manager of an English restaurant in New York City called The ChipShop, said the fried Twinkie was born in her eatery out of boredom.
"We had a very slow night in the restaurant so we decided to buy a bunch of junk food and deep fry it," Hackett said Monday. "And the Twinkies just tasted so good."
Interstate Brands Corp., the firm that owns Twinkie-maker Hostess, doesn't object to the new creation — it actually promotes the idea — though it doesn't suggest a steady diet of the culinary concoction.
"It's one of the beauties of having a brand that is an American icon," said Mike Redd, a vice president of Interstate's cake marketing division. "It's fun ... and it's taken on a life of its own."
Still, Redd said, "It's not something you'd want to eat every day."
Frances Price, a clinical nutritionist with Arkansas Children's Hospital, said parents should be cautious about their children's diet, but that eating treats is just part of being kid.
"There is room in the diet for some treats, you can't exclude it completely," Price said. "And at least fair food is part of a family activity where families walk up and down the midway."
Joel Counts, a tourist from the Los Angeles area who tried his first fried Twinkie on Monday, said it was excellent.
"It tastes like a Twinkie but it has a little extra flavor because of the frying," Counts said. "And the powdered sugar just tops it off."
::me again::
I think that I am going to do a research project. All the information I can find about this unpleasant subject. I will post my findings here for the whole world to see.

Dr. Forrester And Tv's Frank Were Hatching An Evil Scheme

Original Title: Evil

Jesus Sense

Well done comrade! You're one of the big boys! When you're not holding speeches about how everyone is equal in the communist society, you're busy living the high-life while millions starve, freeze or get worked to death! You zany person you!
What tin-pot dictator are you? Take the "What Dictator am I?" test at
Man oh man. Am I evil or am I evil?
I was reading through Bethany's diary, and I stumbled across that one!
Anyway, pertaining to her most recent entry. I remember those days. It was not cool at all. I am still trying to pull myself out of that hole. Things started looking up for me when I stopped with the whole school thing. Most of you whom I went to school with would swear that the person you know is my "evil twin." If that's the case, you are a moron. There. Done.
I seem to be happy and energetic now! Almost always. As opposed to the almost never it was before. Still cynical and sarcastic, but I have reason (extremely good one I might add!) to believe that it's hereditary.
Don't worry, though, I am still evil...EVIL!!!

Friday, October 11, 2002

You'll Roll Your Eyes And Say " Nice Try"

Original Title: Payday!

Gale got paid on Wednesday!
We all know what that means! More records!!
I bought The Final Cut by Pink Floyd from Karma. Ended up being exactly seven dollars. Won Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin off eBay. Eight dollars plus four dollars and fifty cents for shipping and handling.
Love the library. Great music selection!

Nurtured All Year Then Pressed In A Book

Original Title: I am at the library...WHEEEEE!!!!!

It will be a nice day if it doesn't rain.

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

We've Got To Move These Color TVs (Original)

Original Title: Television. What a waste.

-->Disclaimer: Extremely long entry. For those of you who don't read, the shorter, severly dumbed down version is this: "Television is a waste. It destroys lives."<-- p="">Picture this: 1:15 am. Nothing to do. Totally unable to sleep due to consuming 6 cans of Mountain Dew in something like 6 hours. Thinking of updating my diary. I get side-tracked reading through someone else's diary. When I stumble upon something that is so utterly true and more or less my exact opinion on the subject. The subject in question is stupidity on TV. Here is that little gem I stumbled across:
I, (insert my name here), on this blisteringly cold second of February, have watched my last minute of cable television. I turned the channel from Law & Order, a very interesting and intelligent show, to a show called “Son of the Beach,” and felt my intelligence quotient fall significantly as I slumped in my seat in disgust at this waste of unheard of sums of money. Just to think that the American public demands shows like this… that there are children that don’t know where their next meal is coming from and millions are being spent on these horrific displays of what people used to call “entertainment.” Bleached blonde silicon-stuffed sex kittens that entirely antagonize the idea of “female role model” are plastered across this show, spread eagle to these awful steroid-injected, melanoma-skinned moron men. The main ideas on this show are sex, the beach, stupidity, sex, slapstick comedy, the beach, and sex. And stupidity. Money is needed for AIDS research, cancer research, revamping educational systems, and millions upon millions are being wasted on duplicates upon duplicates of shows with the same stupid plot (that doesn’t exist), and the same stupid characters. This new generation of reality shows… stranding people on islands, placing random people in a living situation together, putting people in a place where they’re told to screw around with as many people as possible, putting people under strange circumstances and make them answer questions. I think we can all name at least two shows for each description I mentioned. Utter stupidity in this country of waste. While on the subject, I’m going to tell you the story of a man, and his decline into popular culture. This man graduated from Tulane University, and got his law degree from Northwestern in 1968. He worked on Senator Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign, until the senator’s assassination. He was elected the mayor of Cincinnati at age 33, making him one of the country’s youngest mayors, to date. In the early eighties, his career turned to broadcasting, where he was named Cincinnati’s top rated anchorman, with his name engraved into seven Emmy statues. This man is Jerry Springer, the king of the most abhorring exhibition of humankind in American mass media. Whenever I flip through the channels, it makes me ashamed to be an American to know that this is one of the most top-rated shows in my country. America used to be the land of promise, the land of prosperity and hope… immigrants used to move to our country looking for a better life, and THIS is what we have for them? Welcome to our disturbed popular culture… where sexual experimentation and violent explosions rule the mass entertainment media. America is the country of freedom, as we all know, so under the amendment of freedom of speech, these shows will forever continue to grace our presence. God bless America. I am not arguing the freedom of speech. I’m using it right now. I’m arguing the fact that we air shows that are sheer stupidity. There are good television shows, there are outstanding television shows. There are television shows that are so good that I shiver to think of them. Great plots, great stories, incredible writing. Television shows can be a truly mastered art. There is no point to the Jerry Springer show. This is not entertainment. Anyone who finds this entertaining for more than five minutes has the intelligence of a pile of shit. I, (insert my name here), have officially given up with television. I want to hang myself from a large international television satellite and hope that my rotting corpse will intercept at least one show, one terrible, disgusting show, so that maybe one child, somewhere, wouldn't have to feel the gruesome shame of being an American in the new millennium."
::me again::
That came from I thank you from the bottom of my heart for so beautifully expressing my feelings on the subject of television. I realize that I seem crazy to be thanking a total stranger, but whatever.
It's not just reality shows. Have you seen or read (I am aware of the fact that reading seems to physically hurt so many people nowadays, but I reluctantly included it. So, if it hurts you, send me some hate - mail, and then look into an education. You illerate freak!) some of the things that actually make the news anymore? I have some examples in some of my older entries. The thing with the turtle for example. For those of you who don't know the story, go read it. It's one of the "Modern stupidity" entries. I mean come on. Get real now. A turtle loses the use of it's back legs in a shoot-out. Someone donates a TV cart. Turtle can move again. End of story. PATHETIC!
You have the talk shows like Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones. You have the reality shows like Survivor 1-27. We have an entire network dedicated to broadcasting almost nothing but mind rotting filth (The FOX network for those of you who have become mindless zombies!). You have the supposedly not fake sporting shows (i.e. WWF Wrestling). You have the movies that are horrible, yet rake in millions of dollars.
You have the actors and actresses of all of the above living like gods for basically being stupid for a few million people for a brief time. They, in turn, have the press hounding them during their every waking moment. So therefore they also end up putting their personal lives (i.e. that show on MTV about celebrities' homes) up for grabs in the public domain. And then, the afore mentioned celebrity can not find work due to the mind altering hallucinagenic drugs they end up being addicted to in order to escape the horrible existance that is associated with being famous. At which point the celeb drops off the face of the earth, and, in effect, escapes the horrors of being famous. Finally, after many months or years, the person gets cleaned up. Makes a grand comeback to the entertainment world. Cycle then starts over again.
Basically television is a waste. It could be used for good if people were not stupid. There. It's out. That's how I feel about that issue.

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Any Colour You Like (Redux)


Wish You Were Here
I was originally going to post one sentence for this entry. It was going to say "It'll be a nice day if it does not rain."
Well, I checked out my wonderful friend Benign's diary, only to discover that she had some quizzes posted there. Naturally I went and took them as well. The results of said quizzes have been posted below for all to enjoy:

take the death quiz.

and go to laura = great.

take the antisocial test.

and go to because laura's feeling social.

take the nerd test.

and go to a nerd utopia.

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

take the taboo quiz.

and go to nothing is taboo there.
Also, I spent a fair amount of time being mad at my car. Due largely in part to the water pump crapping out. It seems to be all good now though.

Monday, October 7, 2002

From The Window Of Your Rented Limousine, I Saw Your Pretty Blue Eyes

Original Title: Tripe, Tripe, Records, Tripe, Illness, Yet More Tripe

All of my records came on Saturday afternoon. Turns out i got one that was not in the bargain. I was supposed to get 2 copies of "Led Zeppelin" (their first album) and instead, I got "Led Zeppelin" and "Led Zeppelin IV" (or Zoso or Untitled or whatever else you want to call it!). They all sound awesome.
On a depressing note however, I got rather ill tonight at work. Ick. I made it through the night though. Yay! Rah! for me and all that tripe.
I need to go to bed now. I am half expecting a wake up call from my friend about 5:00 in the morning!
Adios and all of that tripe!

Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Any Colour You Like

Original Title: It's The Amazing Techincolor Cheesewedge!!

Cat 2
I had planned on writing something intelligent and witty right here tonight. But that was to happen about 5 hours ago. Instead, I will post a picture that made me laugh:
I was reading Real Life. That was the ad in the Keenspot newsbox. I just started laughing and laughing.
Enough useless prattling. I am off to put Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts I - IX on my MP3 player!