Original Title: Evil

Well done comrade! You're one of the big boys! When you're not holding speeches about how everyone is equal in the communist society, you're busy living the high-life while millions starve, freeze or get worked to death! You zany person you!
What tin-pot dictator are you? Take the "What Dictator am I?" test at PoisonedMinds.com
I was reading through Bethany's diary, and I stumbled across that one!
Anyway, pertaining to her most recent entry. I remember those days. It was not cool at all. I am still trying to pull myself out of that hole. Things started looking up for me when I stopped with the whole school thing. Most of you whom I went to school with would swear that the person you know is my "evil twin." If that's the case, you are a moron. There. Done.
I seem to be happy and energetic now! Almost always. As opposed to the almost never it was before. Still cynical and sarcastic, but I have reason (extremely good one I might add!) to believe that it's hereditary.
Don't worry, though, I am still evil...EVIL!!!
- Current Mood:rad
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