Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Any Colour You Like (Redux)


Wish You Were Here
I was originally going to post one sentence for this entry. It was going to say "It'll be a nice day if it does not rain."
Well, I checked out my wonderful friend Benign's diary, only to discover that she had some quizzes posted there. Naturally I went and took them as well. The results of said quizzes have been posted below for all to enjoy:

take the death quiz.

and go to mewing.net. laura = great.

take the antisocial test.

and go to mewing.net. because laura's feeling social.

take the nerd test.

and go to mewing.net. a nerd utopia.

what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net | merchandise!

take the taboo quiz.

and go to mewing.net. nothing is taboo there.
Also, I spent a fair amount of time being mad at my car. Due largely in part to the water pump crapping out. It seems to be all good now though.

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