Tuesday, October 15, 2002

The Grand Vizer's Garden Party (Part II)

Original Title: Deep-Fried Twinkies Pt. 2

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Fried Twinkies Are the Rage
From its humble beginnings at a Brooklyn fish ‘n’ chips shop to appearing on national television, the Fried Twinkie has caught the imagination of Americans, while tantalizing their taste buds. New Yorkers, state fair goers and the anchors of ABC’s Good Morning America have all fallen in love with Fried Twinkies.
The Fried Twinkie was invented by Christopher Sell at the ChipShop, his fish ‘n’ chips restaurant, in Brooklyn, New York. For a full story about the invention of the Fried Twinkie, click here.
The Fried Twinkie first received praise in the New York Times. “Something magical occurs when the pastry hits the hot oil. The creamy white vegetable shortening filling liquefies, impregnating the sponge cake with its luscious vanilla flavor. . . The cake itself softens and warms, nearly melting, contrasting with the crisp, deep-fried crust in a buttery and suave way. The shop adds its own ruby-hued berry sauce, which provides a bit of tart sophistication.”
A natural place for the Fried Twinkie was the state fair circuit, where it became an instant hit. Clint Mullen sold them at the California State Fair in Sacramento and was surprised by the demand.
“We had no idea these things were going to be so popular,” said Mullen. “We were literally the talk of the fair and people were amazed at how good they taste.”
Fried Twinkies certainly were popular; Clint and his brother Rocky sold more than 25,000 during the 17-day fair. Fried Twinkies have also appeared at the state fairs in Kansas, Texas and Washington.
The Fried Twinkie has made several television appearances in cities all across the country and appeared on MSNBC, CNBC and Good Morning America. Keep a look out for Fried Twinkies; they could be available in a town near you.
This came off of the official Twinkie website. http://www.twinkies.com

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