Tuesday, October 15, 2002

The Grand Vizer's Garden Party (Part III)

Original Title: Deep - Fried Twinkie Pt. 3

Led Zeppelin Avacado
Fried Twinkie?Yep, that’s right. The Chip Shop in Brooklyn, New York has found a new dessert that is uniquely delightful and making news all over the place – the Fried Twinkie. The shop’s owner, Christopher Sell, has found that deep-frying Twinkies and serving them with a little berry sauce for dipping is a big seller!
As described in the New York Times, “Something magical occurs when the pastry hits the hot oil. The creamy white vegetable shortening filling liquefies, impregnating the sponge cake with its luscious vanilla flavor... The cake itself softens and warms, nearly melting, contrasting with the crisp, deep-fried crust in a buttery and suave way. The shop adds its own ruby-hued berry sauce, which provides a bit of tart sophistication.”
"We go all out with the Twinkie and put some four-berry coulis on the plate," Sell said. "It makes it into a fancy-schmancy dessert."
So, next time you are in the Big Apple be sure to stop by the Chip Shop (383 Fifth Avenue (between 6th and 7th Streets), Park Slope, Brooklyn (718) 832-7701) and experience the newest twist to eating a Twinkie.
It said "invention of." it is, in my opinion, a real let-down.

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