Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Down In The Tunnels Trying to Make It Pay

Music: Walk of Life ~ Dire Straits
I went off to sleep without saying anything to anyone, but someone who I have not seen for just over 2 years called and was all "So, ya wanna do something in the morning? 'Cause I have something for you that I have been carrying around for like the last 6 months, and seeing as how I am leaving again very early thursday morning, and yeah."
She went off to Oklahoma several years ago, and was in town for a couple of days this week. Seemingly got my cell phone number from one of the like 3 people I know from school that I still talk to.
Anyway, she got me the first 4 Dark Tower books. Her logic was "all your copies are all worn out and very sad looking, I know you won't replace them until the pages and covers fall off (she knows me so well), so I got you some of the new ones. Look! They're all shiny and black and and and yeah, isn't it cool!?"
To which I thanked her and then we wandered about doing things in Greenwood for a few hours.
I almost forgot how much I miss her sometimes.

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