Friday, December 30, 2016

Eight Days A Week

I've been ripping all my cds again at a higher bit rate than back when I had a tiny mp3 player with no space.
Today I got through:

The Beatles: Live at the BBC Volumes One and Two

Jimmy Page & The Black Crows: Live at the Greek

Moxy Fruvous: Live Noise

B.B. King & Eric Clapton: Riding With The King

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Turn The Page

So the last couple of years I have been listening to audiobooks more frequently while I drive to and from work.

About a week and a half ago I started on the Harry Potter books.  I read the first one years and years ago, but I remember so little of it.

This comes of reading rather quickly and not being particular interested. But I figure now that I have a child who will, at some point in his young life, want to read them, I probably should.

So they are being read to me in audiobook format.  If I have time, I will pull out the actual book and pick up where the iPod has left off.  I must say.  They are more interesting to me this time through.  Although I have discovered that there is something about experiencing media through a medium that bypasses the optic nerve that I just find so much more engaging.

I have always been a fan of audio dramas.  Big Finish has done some wonderful stuff with Doctor Who over the years.  The BBC has done an amazing job adapting all five books in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy and both Dirk Gently books.

But that is just me.

I'm weird.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

They Asked Us To Stay For Tea And Have Some Fun

With regard to my last post. I did not vote for the man. Nor did I vote for Hillary or Gary. I voted for the person who I felt was best for the job that was actually running. I was fully aware that my candidate of choice was not going to win. I was tired of the "a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Hillary" rhetoric from the one side and "a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump" rhetoric on the other. I feel that a vote for one of the two main candidtates just to keep the other out of office is a wasted vote. I also feel that a vote for a candidate that you do not feel is ideal for the job is a wasted vote. Is he my ideal president? No. But you are not going to see me chanting and protesting about it. You're not going to see me moving to Canada or Mexico or anywhere. I am not disparaging anyone for who they voted for. I am glad if your guy won, I am sorry if your gal/guy lost. That is what should make our system work. Diversity. We are a diverse nation, and we deserve a diverse government, but we'll see what happens. I, for one, will wait patiently for the next election and hope that America has woken up enough to be truly outraged and present the 2020 election with several outstanding, well qualified candidates. You will see me holding out hope for that day, but you probably won't see me holding my breath.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

We're Just Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fishbowl

Today was a very hard day.

We buried our youngest child this day.

He/She was miscarried sometime around ten weeks as best as we can tell. 

As I said the other day, it is very hard to know that there is a person that you created that you will never get to meet.

Anyway, it was a very small thing. Myself, my wife and her two youngest sisters.  We made a tiny coffin out of some white fabric and a little wooden keepsake box from Hobby Lobby, dug a hole under our youngest sister's tree, said a few words and buried our unborn baby.

It is not much, but I feel that we did right by our child.  Given that one of the other "acceptable options" was flushing it down the toilet.

I decided that the baby deserved something better than that, so there we have it.

Dear Child,

I want to let you know that despite the fact that you never got a shot in this big, bad world, you were, and always will be loved.

It hurts to know that we will never get to meet you, never get to teach you, never get to learn from you, never get to play with you, never get to see you grow up, never get to meet your older brother.

There is a very long list of things that begin with "never get to...", but "be loved by your family" will never be on that list.

After we buried you today, I got into the car and the song "Wish You Were Here" had just started. I am not ashamed to say that I cried.  I'm not ashamed to say that I came home and wept for a few minutes because I wish that you were here.

I cannot come up with a good way to end this letter, so...

I have loved you since the day you were conceived. 
-Your Father.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Night Divides The Day

It is amazing to think that my wife and I created a life that we will never get to have any part of.

No birthday parties, no laughing, no crying, no teaching, no having any sort of conversation with, no nothing. 

I understand this happens to people all the time, but that doesn't make it any less hard to cope with.  Doesn't make it hurt any less.

Doesn't help that the day before we found out for certain we watched a documentary about abortion.  That really hits me hard knowing that there are people (a surprisingly large number of them) that will willingly do this sort of thing to a baby.

"Oh, well it's not a baby until week so and so" is crappy logic.  You hear about the people who watch the baby try to get away from the doctor...Guess what...It is capable of knowing fear, of what is right and wrong, what is good and bad.  At the very least it has a sense of self preservation.

Think on that, America.

Think on that.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Time. Flowing Like A River

It's amazing how much you can take life for granted.

I never expected my grandparents to sell their home of 46 years in favor of a place that did not make them happy, but here we are.

Friday, October 28, 2016

You Can't Stop Us

"Can't stop the signal, Mal!" and all of that.

A few months ago the corporate headquarters for my place of employment locked our computers down so that we could only access about a dozen websites.

I decided to spend some time exploring what we were left with after the POS upgrade was complete.  Just, you know, so I can see what is available still, and to test the limits of the security.

So, this is me.  Sitting Standing here at one of the "locked down" computers typing this out.

Very nice of them to leave some glaring "back-door" (and by that I mean overlooked in plain sight) ways around their internet security.  Well, Corporate America, you have failed. 


Cannot wait to see if these holes are patched up or not. in the next few months.

Assuming I still work here in the next few months.

Sheesh, but I feel like I'm in high school again.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Look Man, Come Down Here

How does a vote for a 3rd party equal a vote for Hillary if voting for a 3rd party equals a vote for Trump at the same time? I feel like a vote for a candidate I cannot fathom trusting is a wasted vote. Because by that logic voting for a 3rd party means my vote is doubled and I voted twice? I don't get it.But I guess that is none of my business?

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

She Don't Care!

Looks like I was going to be writing something about Ticket to Ride in this space...Problem is I started this months ago.

Probably going to talk about either the UK/Pennsylvania maps or the Netherlands map pack I had recently purchased.

They are all three very fun, in their own right.

The UK has a pretty nifty tech tree you have to roll with.  Pennsylvania is pretty much standard except for the stock thingy, and the Netherlands can be played either with standard rules or the intended way which is straight up cutthroat.

Again, not really sure though.

When Life Seems Jolly Rotten, There's Something You've Forgotten

Ever have one of those days?

Just so dang old tired that you really cannot remember the day by the end of it?

Yup.  That was today.

On a more positive note, however, I am off all week so I expect to get a shop mostly built in my garage this week...Hooray!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

There's Too Many Places I Got To See

I was thinking about people I used to know in real life a while ago.

There was this one person.  Great girl, glad to see she is doing well for herself these days.  I like to think I would have been able to drop everything and move out west a lot of (eleven) years ago, but I really don't think I was there.

I still don't.

I also do not know what brought this on.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Take Me Back To My Boat On The River

Went to the Ohio River and spent a few hours on a boat this afternoon.

Nice little family photo, I guess?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Need Me A Triple Shot Of That Juice

Dear The Coffee Maker, Thank you for finishing in a timely and efficient manner. We were not to the "begging and pleading for coffee" stage, but we were certainly getting uncomfortably close to the "groveling" stage. Thanks again! -Me

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How Long Can You Stand The Heat?

Outside the Window

Outside.  The weather outside is (allegedly) frightful.  Rumour has it the heat is insane.

The sky is dark in the East.  There are hot air balloons.

There was a storm today, but not nearly long enough for my tastes.  I like the rain, thunder and lightning. There are times where I just want it to storm all afternoon.

But this is Indiana in the summer.  Hot and muggy.

Which I really do not mind, honestly.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Haters Gonna Hate

Seriously now America, how did we get so far off course that our "mainstream" presidental candidates are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? I heard Kanye is looking for a presidential bid in 2020, just on the off chance that we don't figure it out before then. No. Wait. Don't answer that.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Time, Flowing Like A River

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefect In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books there are many memorable quotes from all of the major characters. Ford Prefect seems to have the majority of them throughout the series though. The above quote was one of his very first memorable lines. The whole thing seems like a silly throwaway line at first, but if you actually sit and think about it for a few minutes that first part makes a lot of sense. I am sitting here thinking about the past. It started out because I was thinking about how I really need to get back into the kind of shape I used to be in. When I could run my just under six minute mile and not even feel winded after five or six miles during my brief career in the Army. That was even after not really running at all for two and a half years. Before that all I really did was however long the teacher in gym class decreed we must all run, but I was always running circles around the rest of the class. For a while it was always me and a girl in class who were basically always at the front and lapping everyone else, but she moved away in high school. Shame really, I always enjoyed her company during the three years I actually knew her. But I digress. That led me to thinking about the people I met and interacted with while I was in the Army. I have not seen or heard from a single one of them after that ended. More my fault than any of theirs, I will be the first to admit. I was the one with all the addresses after all. Anyway, over the years I have occasionally tried to look up someone from those days here or there on Facebook or Twitter with little to no success. For people that made as much an impact on my life as some of them did, I feel that it was positively criminal for me to have not kept up, but here we are. That led me to thinking about my Arby's days. Again, there were a lot of fun people I met while I was there, and a lot of them have impacted my life. But as I sat here actually thinking about it this evening it occurred to me that the only real, lasting relationship/friendship I got out of the nine years I spent there was my Jeep. Lame, right? There are others that I have met along the way. My friend in San Francisco. My former Starbucks lady-friend from years and years ago who moved out of state. One I occasionally talk to and the other I actually managed to find on Facebook last winter. The latter I actually wanted to find. Something terrible happened and she was there for me in a way that I did not feel like anyone else was at the time. She spent her entire lunch break just sitting at a table in the cafe with me while I stared into the distance and tried to process the tragedy that had befallen my family the week before. I felt that I never properly thanked her, and that was one of the few regrets I have been carrying around with me, so I found her and rectified said situation. But Arby's co-workers? I tried to track down one of the older employees from those days last year. Found out she retired. I kept up with a few from my sister. Saw former Big-Boss at Five Guys one day about six months before I got married, but we didn't really talk. I see some people here and there in Kroger. I never say anything to them because we worked together so briefly that I would just be that random, vaguely familiar looking weirdo at Kroger. It really is amazing how much we can change over time. How much the people we associate with can impact us (if we let them). I know we all have friendships we have let fall by the side of the road. Some of them we regret, some of them we do not regret. I really need to find some other "old friends" and do some serious catching up. It should be easy in this modern day and age, and yet we do not bother ourselves for whatever reason. If there is regret about losing touch with someone, find them. Time is not as infinite as we may wish. Like Ford said...Time is an illusion.

Time. Flowing For Forever.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefect

In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books there are many memorable quotes from all of the major characters.  Ford Prefect seems to have the majority of them throughout the series though.

The above quote was one of his very first memorable lines.

The whole thing seems like a silly throwaway line at first, but if you actually sit and think about it for a few minutes that first part makes a lot of sense.

I am sitting here thinking about the past.  It started out because I was thinking about how I really need to get back into the kind of shape I used to be in.  When I could run my just under six minute mile and not even feel winded after five or six miles during my brief career in the Army.

That was even after not really running at all for two and a half years.  Before that all I really did was however long the teacher in gym class decreed we must all run, but I was always running circles around the rest of the class.  For a while it was always me and a girl in class who were basically always at the front and lapping everyone else, but she moved away in high school. Shame really, I always enjoyed her company during the three years I actually knew her.

But I digress.

That led me to thinking about the people I met and interacted with while I was in the Army.  I have not seen or heard from a single one of them after that ended.  More my fault than any of theirs, I will be the first to admit.  I was the one with all the addresses after all.

Anyway, over the years I have occasionally tried to look up someone from those days here or there on Facebook or Twitter with little to no success.

For people that made as much an impact on my life as some of them did, I feel that it was positively criminal for me to have not kept up, but here we are.

That led me to thinking about my Arby's days.  Again, there were a lot of fun people I met while I was there, and a lot of them have impacted my life.  But as I sat here actually thinking about it this evening it occurred to me that the only real, lasting relationship/friendship I got out of the nine years I spent there was my Jeep. 

Lame, right?

There are others that I have met along the way. My friend in San Francisco.  My former Starbucks lady-friend from years and years ago who moved out of state.

One I occasionally talk to and the other I actually managed to find on Facebook last winter. 

The latter I actually wanted to find.  Something terrible happened and she was there for me in a way that I did not feel like anyone else was at the time.  She spent her entire lunch break just sitting at a table in the cafe with me while I stared into the distance and tried to process the tragedy that had befallen my family the week before.  I felt that I never properly thanked her, and that was one of the few regrets I have been carrying around with me, so I found her and rectified said situation.

But Arby's co-workers?  I tried to track down one of the older employees from those days last year. Found out she retired.  I kept up with a few from my sister.  Saw former Big-Boss at Five Guys one day about six months before I got married, but we didn't really talk.

I see some people here and there in Kroger.  I never say anything to them because we worked together so briefly that I would just be that random, vaguely familiar looking weirdo at Kroger.

It really is amazing how much we can change over time.  How much the people we associate with can impact us (if we let them).  I know we all have friendships we have let fall by the side of the road.  Some of them we regret, some of them we do not regret.

I really need to find some other "old friends" and do some serious catching up. It should be easy in this modern day and age, and yet we do not bother ourselves for whatever reason.

If there is regret about losing touch with someone, find them.  Time is not as infinite as we may wish.
Like Ford said...Time is an illusion.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Haven’t You Heard It’s A Battle Of Words

Dear Founding Fathers, I apologize for the mess we have made of all your hard work and sacrifice. I sincerely hope that the force of you all spinning in your graves does not mess up the orbit or rotation of our planet. This is going to get long and rambley now and I don't really apologize for it. Let us start with the difficult one first: Pro Choice. The belief that it is okay to end a human life no matter what the age simply because it inconveniences you as a result of not being responsible for your actions. Keep in mind you are making the choice to deprive another human of THAT EXACT SAME RIGHT. To which I ask: What gives you the right to make that decision. I am not singling out women. It does take two people to make a baby. This is a thing that there is no question about. Why is it so hard to be responsible for our actions and be responsible for the consequences if we mess something up? I realize there are times where bad decisions are made by only one party (i.e. rape), and I know that the aftermath is a truly horrible thing to endure. I have met victims, I have heard about how terrible it is, but by the same token isn't depriving another human being the right to exist based simply on who his or her parents are just as much of a crime? There is help out there and we should not be ashamed to seek it out if we need it. Part of the problem comes with how we raise our children to behave and respect themselves and others. Part of the problem is not holding ourselves accountable for our actions. What do we need to do to make America great again? Vote for a loud man in a trucker hat? Vote for a socialist who makes ten times as much money as I do but pays five percent less taxes on it (while riding on a motto that everyone pays their fair share!)? Vote for a woman who basically says four more years of status quo? Remember. The president is not a magical being who can make your life better simply by getting elected. I'm still super stoked about working for a small business that does not employ enough people to A-Be required to offer health insurance and B-Not be able to do it affordability if they did, therefore I get fined $300+ for being too poor to procure it myself, but go team America. This is what we signed up for 8 years ago. What do we need to do to make America great again? We need to vote for lawmakers who actually make sense. Congressmen and Senators who will stick to the principles they are elected on, not the principles of whoever slides a briefcase full of cash under a table at dinner one evening. The idea that our president is elected from a wide open field of...Two people every four years? Whatever happened to the dream that anyone can grow up to be president? Why do we feel the need to believe that all human opinion and belief falls under a two color rainbow? What happened to common sense? Seriously America...I think we all need to go sit in a corner and think about what we did for a little while.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Her Face Is Cracked From Smiling

Just bought some serious Doctor Who today...Purchased Shada (on cd) and The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 1 (digital download). 

I always enjoy listening to Big Finish's productions.  They are always high quality and fun.

In the before time I would just download them from whatever torrent site I came across but I finally was able to purchase them.  Go team adultage!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

It’s Not What We Would Choose To Do

I work for a small business that cannot afford to contribute to any sort of health insurance for their employees and I do not make enough money to afford any sort of crappy coverage on my own. So here is a rhetorical question: Why is it going to cost me over $800 in fines to be a poor small business employee? Seriously. I want someone to explain this to me in a logical sort of way. Preferably with facts (not opinions) to back this up.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Tie Your Mother Down

Also, hello! (I guess?) to my reader from Ukraine.

The Circle Of Life




Anyway.  It has been a busy, eventful time.  Between having the baby-child, finding out my co-worker/store owner's daughter is stealing money, and just generally working, I've been busy.  Like seriously.

I decided today to create a post honoring the 70th anniversary of the Roswell Incident.

Said post is scheduled to appear at 6am on the 7th of July, 2017. So yeah.  Nothing new, just what came from Wikipedia.

In other news, I have found digital copies of most of my handwritten nonsense from the last fifteen years or so.  That means I am in the process of putting them up on here in the order they belong.

It was definitely nice finding the list of preparations for my first major middle of nowhere photo adventure!

Wow...I'm so tired I just resorted to spell check.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

All I Want, Girl Is You

I'm the guy who sits next to you
And reads the newspaper over your shoulder
Don't turn the page
I'm not finished
Life is so uncertain

Given that true intellectual and emotional compatibility
Are at the very least difficult
If not impossible to come by
We could always opt for the more temporal gratification
Of sheer physical attraction
That wouldn't make you a shallow person
Would it?

 If Ford is to Chevrolet
What Dodge is to Chrysler
What Corn Flakes are to Post Toasties
What the clear blue sky is to the deep blue sea
What Hank Williams is to Neil Armstrong
Can you doubt we were made for each other?

Look I understand too little too late
I realize there are things you say and do
You can never take back
But what would you be if you didn't even try?
You have to try
So after a lot of thought
I'd like to reconsider
Please if it's not too late
Make it a cheeseburger 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

We Are Marching

Socialism is on my mind right now... I realize how this is going to make me look, but is this really what is best for America? I started thinking about this after seeing the CNN video where they asked 3 Bernie Sanders supporters to define Socialism. I understand that it was 3 people, and CNN is putting the spin on it that they want to, but the lesson I'm taking from this is that the majority of Americans these days don't think, they just go with what sounds good. I know that after November someone will be making and posting a meme of Padme from Star Wars using her line "So this is how liberty dies...With thunderous applause." So here we go, America... Let's prove that we have common sense. I challenge us all (myself included) to actually understand the candidates who are running for office. Understand what they stand for. Understand what they are trying to accomplish. Understand the office itself. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I never will. I just hope we all make informed decisions. *Edit* Here are two lists. Added to help with the decision making process. What the President CAN do: make treaties with the approval of the Senate. veto bills and sign bills. represent our nation in talks with foreign countries. enforce the laws that Congress passes. act as Commander-in-Chief during a war. call out troops to protect our nation against an attack. make suggestions about things that should be new laws. lead his political party. entertain foreign guests. recognize foreign countries. grant pardons. nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials. appoint ambassadors. talk directly to the people about problems. represent the best interest of all the people What the President CANNOT do: make laws. declare war. decide how federal money will be spent. interpret laws. choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval. This was taken from the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum Also, I have included the Merriam-Webster definition of "Socialism" below, so you can not sound like a fool if CNN decides to ask you to define socialism too!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

You Know It’s All Right

So…Apparently I am a huge nerd. This is according to my wife.

Today I found a wiring diagram and built an A/V Cable for my Atari Jaguar so that I can actually play the thing on a modern TV.

Here is what I have:


I used 3 A/V cables from some AT&T U-Verse returns from work and the connector from a 5.25” floppy disk cable.

The results are most definitely usable!


I am happy about this!

Next project? Get the CD-Rom working! Rumor has it all of the Jaguar CD games are A-Available for download and B-Work just fine on standard CD-R discs.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dancin' In The Streets Of Hyannis

More like #TakeBackOurGrammar!

Also, let us not forget that David Bowie and "Ric Edelman" AKA Alan Rickman weren't exactly Americans.

I guess the first two deaths were actually Common Sense and Simple English?