Monday, September 2, 2002

My Baby Grew Up Tall And Proud In The Shadow Of The Mushroom Cloud

Original Title: That Time Of Year Again...

Cat 2
That time of year again.I don't know what it is about the first week or two of September. I should be happy, seeing as how my birthday falls upon the eighth, but I don't know.
I usually attempt to take the day off. Just do whatever the heck I feel like. You know how it goes "it's my birthday, I am gonna sleep the day away because I have been exhausted, and due to the afore mentioned reason, I can do whatever I want!" It never seems to work out that way. I have to be here for such and such then there for some reason or other. It's like I have more time to do what I want on a day where I wake up at 12:30 pm, and need to leave for work at 4:15.
I realize just how stupid, ungrateful, and well, just plain out evil this makes me sound, but you know how it goes. The fun starts in about 10 hours (and I still have six days until sunday!!) come to think of it.
Whoo!(please note the total absence of sarcasm there!!)
sorry. just trying to get into the spirit of things. I think I am gonna take my book over there tomorrow...
Oh Bethany, where are you when I need someone wonderful and wise to talk to?

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