Friday, September 20, 2002

Warm Smell Of Colitas Rising Up Through The Air

Original Title: August 16, 2002 (Conclusion)

Ford 3
Here is more of the story:
(August 16, 2002 Conclusion)
It went good for the first three years, but something about 1970 changed us. More me than us though. Suddenly everyone and their brother wanted to be just like Johnathon Betlow Goodman - Johnny B. Goode as I was known at the time. My image started to grow. At first it was fun to be larger than life. With each performance, however, it seemed my image grew another foot.
In late 1975, after hundereds of shows, 7 albums, and millions upon millions of screaming fans looking at me as though I am some sort of god, Johnny B. Goode said "No more!"
After discussing the issue with my fellow bandmates, we decided it would be best to go our own seperate ways. At least until everything calmed down. I thought it would be fun to travel a bit, but I wanted to go somewhere that noone had ever heard of me.
After a lot of reasearch, my girlfriend Ruth decided we should go to Italy. It seemed the logical thing to do, seeing as how I had never actually been there. That alone, was a sufficient reason for me.
After a relaxing six months in Rome, we flew back to the States. I came back a week before she did so I could find a place to live and get our stuff out of storage.
On the way back to California, the plane had some engine trouble, and was forced to land in Las Vegas. I did not want to sit around in some airport, so I bought a car and decided to drive back to Sacremento. A journey which I am, twenty-six years later, yet to complete.
(Next - On A Dark Desert Highway)
--This is but the introduction to a longer narrative I have planned out. It won't be extremely long, but it won't be the shortest thing you have ever read either. It was inspired (I have not yet made this painfully obvious I know) by the song "Hotel California" by The Eagles. I am putting it up as I make it up. One of these days I will outline my creative process, but not today.
Ta Ta For Now

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